My irritation was not about shopkeepers - I have to deal with Monsanto! I was expressing my irritation with the kind of of "professionals" where the best advice you can hope for may (or may not) come from general forums or general faq's or some such roundabout. Or corporate "professionals" who, because they work for a large company - say Microsoft, talk down to you, treat you like an idiot and then later, "don't understand" why their "instructions" didn't work!. My experience with the computer over 25 years shows that the journey around the houses to get a definitive answer may take months. Many attempt to belittle those who admit ignorance of the field, and they often air a lot of suspect knowledge (confirmed by hindsight) that helps no-one except the overblown ego one has to deal with. Others may try to demean me by insinuating that my IQ must be pretty low to have ended up with an inefficient system that performs less well than the pre-upgrade. Always AFTER the event. No, I don't know about I.T. yet I'm finding to my chagrin that this computer world is making me learn far more than I ever desired or intended about the workings of "an engine" when my goal was to map the terrain en route. or merely get from A to B in the most efficient way possible. I end up abandoning the purpose of my trip. This IT is supposed to be a tool for workers to use on their projects - not a diversion into another vocation. I happened to comment on this forum randomly, having begun the tedious task of trying to find out where a simple, logical procedure may be rectified so that I may resume the work that IS important to me. I'm sick of I.T. "professionals" because I may have to become the equivalent in order to get my "tools" to work - even just the pen! [analogously]. 25 years later I'm still having to do this.