Um, I'm pretty sure what sithlord wrote was in some foreign language....from what I was able to decipher, he seems to be complaining that quad core processors run programs worse than dual cores, and that turbo boost is a scam to compensate for that worse performance.
What he seems to not understand is that a program that's written to only utilize one thread will run the same on a dual core or quad core, and that if the dual core has a much higher clock speed than the quad, the program will actually run faster. The advantage of a quad core is that:
1- Many program now utilize 2 or 3 cores, gaming performance in particular increases dramatically from 1 to 2, and 2 to 3 cores for many modern games.
2- For a 1 thread program, having multiple threads allows background program to run on a separate core from the main program, allowing the program to utilize that thread in full.
The reason companies made multi core processors was because there's a limit to how fast you can clock a processor. If Intel kept going with their Pentium 4 idea, we'd have 10ghz processors that required nuclear reactors to run by now. To get around the issue of clock speed limit, they industry decided to instead of having 1 "man" do a job, to divide the job up between 2, or now 4 "men." The problem of course, is that some one, ie the programmer, has to divide this job up into 4 parts for these individual men to do.
In programs that are written in this manner, quad cores won't provide 4x faster speed, (after all, the 4 men need to spend time to piece together their individual work into a finished product), but often is close to 3x faster than a single core.
Some old games, using an OS that doesn't know how to divide up task btwn multiple cores (ie XP or earlier), will have issues. It would be the same as giving a foreman 4 men to do a job that he's always assigned to 1 man. The foreman has to spend a lot of time figuring out himself how to divide up the tasks, and may make mistakes and errors in the process.
So in summary. Multiple cores is by no means a scam. It is the only way to increase processing power without resorting to nuclear powered CPU's than run as hot as the sun. The problem is that programs must be written, and the OS must be capable of dividing up the task between multiple cores.