Question External HDD not getting enough power?

May 15, 2021
I have an Adata 2TB HC 660 slim external hard drive which I have been using for some years. It was mainly used as an extension for my laptop SSD, so it has spent most of the time on the desk. I was moving some data from my laptop when the transfer speed became zero. I tried re-plugging the drive, I heard the plugging in sound but nothing appeared, I checked the disk management but it showed nothing. Further more I plugged in another portable HDD (Adata 1TB) and I didn't even hear the plugging in sound. However when I unplugged the 2 TB Adata, the 1 TB worked just fine. I attributed this to lack of power since I was using my laptop, so I tried it on my PC. Although it didn't stopped my 1TB HDD from working, but it had the same problem with the 2TB. The following must be noted that:
  1. the company casing has no port for AC input
  2. my 2TB drive is around 90% full
  3. 2TB was working just fine earlier when I transferred data into it from another laptop. But using that same laptop after wards wasn't fruitful either.
Is it possible my USB B cable is not providing enough power? Or all of the usb ports that I used are not strong enough to deliver enough power now that I transferred around a 100 GB data into from that other laptop?
Well the reason I mentioned the drive model is that it is the slim version and has absolutely no obvious way to open it up. I don't want to pry it open lest I risk losing it completely. I even searched for any repair video for this specific model but to no avail.

On a side note, I intended to plug the 2TB in my laptop through a HDD caddy for optical drive but since I was unsure about what's inside the slim version, I planned on using the normal 1TB. Hence the movement of data in the first place.