External USB device not always detected?



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

I have an external hard disk with USB 2.0 and Windows XP. When I plug
the USB device to the computer, the first step is that it is always
detected and an icon is shown at the bottom right of the screen. ( I
select this icon to retrieve safely the peripheral before unplugging
the external device).

The usual second step is Windows goes through the directories, a window
opens asking if I want to use "Windows media player" and other choices
which I cancel that window.

Third step, I use Windows Explorer to select the file I want within the
external device.

The problem is: it goes to the second step once in a while! Therefore,
I can not have access to my files! What I do is I turn off/on the
external device and/or reboot the computer many times until the second
step takes off... So far, it takes off at random.

What should I do to get the second step running without turning on/off
the external device or the computer?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

On 9 Sep 2005 11:21:47 -0700, Robijean@hotmail.com wrote:

>I have an external hard disk with USB 2.0 and Windows XP. When I plug
>the USB device to the computer, the first step is that it is always
>detected and an icon is shown at the bottom right of the screen. ( I
>select this icon to retrieve safely the peripheral before unplugging
>the external device).
>The usual second step is Windows goes through the directories, a window
>opens asking if I want to use "Windows media player" and other choices
>which I cancel that window.
>Third step, I use Windows Explorer to select the file I want within the
>external device.
>The problem is: it goes to the second step once in a while! Therefore,
>I can not have access to my files! What I do is I turn off/on the
>external device and/or reboot the computer many times until the second
>step takes off... So far, it takes off at random.
>What should I do to get the second step running without turning on/off
>the external device or the computer?

I leave the usb2 disk always plugged in & power it on when I
want to write to it for backups. I always get ur 3 steps.

Check for updated/alternative drivers- mine has 2 choices
but works best with OEM driver.


Any advise given is my attempt to show appreciation for all
the excellent help I've received here but I'm no MVP so it
may only apply NUGS (Normally, Usually, Generally, Sometimes :)
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

I never see this "second step" on my PC. I leave the cable plugged in, and
simply turn the external case containing the hard drive on or off as
appropriate. It is a Firewire device.
Is this "second step" particular to USB external storage?
The drive is visible and usable in Windows explorer along with applications
installed in XP.

<Robijean@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> I have an external hard disk with USB 2.0 and Windows XP. When I plug
> the USB device to the computer, the first step is that it is always
> detected and an icon is shown at the bottom right of the screen. ( I
> select this icon to retrieve safely the peripheral before unplugging
> the external device).
> The usual second step is Windows goes through the directories, a window
> opens asking if I want to use "Windows media player" and other choices
> which I cancel that window.
> Third step, I use Windows Explorer to select the file I want within the
> external device.
> The problem is: it goes to the second step once in a while! Therefore,
> I can not have access to my files! What I do is I turn off/on the
> external device and/or reboot the computer many times until the second
> step takes off... So far, it takes off at random.
> What should I do to get the second step running without turning on/off
> the external device or the computer?