[SOLVED] Extreme high temperature ASUS B85 PLUS

Apr 27, 2020
Hello guys,
I would like to know if these temperatures that im seeing are real or not.. To be more specific, I see high temps on Mainboard, TMPIN2, TMPIN5 and TMPIN6 (114degC, 114degC, 108degC and 106degC for each) and they NEVER go a single degree above or below!! I have read in some forums that there is no efficient way to test it, so it practically said "just put your hand in there and if it seems too hot then you have a problem", or else it said it might be a false temperature monitoring from ASUS.
I have tested it with multiple programms, they all show me the same values. I've noticed this problem maybe a year ago, but I haven't noticed any raise in my rest hardware's temperature or any other problems on my performance. The only thing that happened, that could be for other reasons, is that my PC turned off 2 times by itself, but without any buzzing or noise and it happened a week or two ago, although I have these temperatures, as I said, about a year now.
I will put the results from HW Monitor below, because I don't really understand exactly what I'm seeing. If anyone knows any way so i can test it, or has any knowledge on this, I would be greatful!
Thank you in advance, and sorry fot the extra long thread, I just wanted to be as specific as I could to give you a clear view of what im expreriencing here 😛

HW Monitor results
Hwmonitor was originally written years ago, when there were far less options as far as motherboard comonentry and layout went. Since then, we've seen the change of the Northbridge to a pcie hub, moving the memory controller to the cpu and half a dozen other changes. And as generations continue, there are more and more changes, to even things like addresses of components. What used to be a temp sensor is now the Sata controller on some boards, and the pcie x1 slot on others etc.

So it's not surprising that Hwmonitor gets funky readings. I guess I'm lucky, since it reads tmpin4 as 255°C and tmpin6 as -125°C (yes, that's a negative number) and both are physically impossible with standard cooling.

If the numbers never change, it's...
Malware bytes says your link is a trojan site and blocks it.
But to answer you question, some sensor chips have more ports than are actually connected to the motherboard.
So they report static numbers. Might be 0c or in your case 114c,108c and 106c. Or whatever default the chip is programmed at.

Nothing to worry about there.
USUALLY a sudden shut down is overheating or power supply problems.
You state you other temps are fine so I would look at the power supply first.
Post your exact system build and be specific on power supply brand and especially model.
Hwmonitor was originally written years ago, when there were far less options as far as motherboard comonentry and layout went. Since then, we've seen the change of the Northbridge to a pcie hub, moving the memory controller to the cpu and half a dozen other changes. And as generations continue, there are more and more changes, to even things like addresses of components. What used to be a temp sensor is now the Sata controller on some boards, and the pcie x1 slot on others etc.

So it's not surprising that Hwmonitor gets funky readings. I guess I'm lucky, since it reads tmpin4 as 255°C and tmpin6 as -125°C (yes, that's a negative number) and both are physically impossible with standard cooling.

If the numbers never change, it's because there's nothing to change, it's not a temp they are reading.
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Hello guys,
I would like to know if these temperatures that im seeing are real or not.. To be more specific, I see high temps on Mainboard, TMPIN2, TMPIN5 and TMPIN6 (114degC, 114degC, 108degC and 106degC for each) and they NEVER go a single degree above or below!! I have read in some forums that there is no efficient way to test it, so it practically said "just put your hand in there and if it seems too hot then you have a problem", or else it said it might be a false temperature monitoring from ASUS.
I have tested it with multiple programms, they all show me the same values. I've noticed this problem maybe a year ago, but I haven't noticed any raise in my rest hardware's temperature or any other problems on my performance. The only thing that happened, that could be for other reasons, is that my PC turned off 2 times by itself, but without any buzzing or noise and it happened a week or two ago, although I have these temperatures, as I said, about a year now.
I will put the results from HW Monitor below, because I don't really understand exactly what I'm seeing. If anyone knows any way so i can test it, or has any knowledge on this, I would be greatful!
Thank you in advance, and sorry fot the extra long thread, I just wanted to be as specific as I could to give you a clear view of what im expreriencing here 😛

HW Monitor results
Gentlemen, I am facing this similar problem on my Asus B-85-A mother board. When Speccy is running to check the HW of my old PC ( i7 4770T), it shows: Temperature of this old mother board is 118 degree C in red. And, it stays there without change. I shut down my old PC at the first glance. Some minutes later, I feel, this information is not clear to me. A temperature of 118 degree C on the mother board, where it is? On such a big mother board, there are CPU, RAM,... where is the location of 118 degree C? Although, I think, this is a mistake on H/W, I think, a 118 degree C on chip will be killed in a short time, and my old PC did work well for hours. I decide to ignore this.