
The X79 platform is considered overkill for gaming because the extra features X79 offers simply does not grant significantly superior gaming performance. Quad Channel Memory does not improve game performance over a cheaper LGA1155 platform that uses Dual Channel memory. The additional PCI-Express lanes on X79 also don't really help for game performance, even when using high end multi GPU configurations.

Furthermore, the CPUs on X79 are for the most part considerably more expensive than the high end LGA1155 CPUs, and offer only a miniscule performance boost at best in gaming scenarios.

The whole point is, X79 will work fine for a gaming rig, but you don't need to spend the extra money to get it over a mainstream chipset. You will get virtually the same gaming performance out of a mainstream platform like P67/Z68 or the new Z77 chipset. Really the extra money that would go into an X79 platform would be better spent on getting a better graphics card, as the GPU is what dictates game performance under most circumstances these days.