Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.storage (More info?)
I have a 2.5 year old Hitachi DK23CA-20 (2.5" 20GB 2.5") that is
performing very, very slowly. Sustained reads in the range of 7-
9MBytes/sec, with copy operations falling to 2Mbytes/sec or lower.
Subjectively, this drive was not this slow back when it was new, but I
have no old benchmarking data to make an objective comparison.
Is this kind of performance normal given the age of the drive or has
something broken?
It's defragged, running in UDMA-5 and the SMART status is as follows:
---------------------[Device S.M.A.R.T. status]----------------------
Attribute Value Thresh Raw Flags
Raw read error rate 99 50 001200000041h CR PR ER
Throughput performance 100 50 000000000FDCh CR PR
Spin up time 100 50 000000000000h CR OC PR
Start/stop count 100 50 0000000001C3h OC EC SP
Reallocated sector count 100 10 000000000000h CR OC EC SP
Seek error rate 100 50 00000000015Fh CR OC PR ER
Seek time performance 97 50 0000000007DCh CR PR
Power-on time count 55 60 00000014A7DCh OC EC SP
Spin up retry count 100 50 000000000000h CR OC EC
Device power cycle count 100 50 000000000161h OC EC SP
G-sense error rate 100 50 000000000001h OC ER
Power-off retract count 100 50 000000000017h OC EC SP
Load/unload cycle count 1 50 14BA6214BA7Ah OC EC SP
Temperature 52 0 0014004A0040h OC SP
Hardware ECC recovered 100 50 000000000002h OC ER EC
Reallocation event count 100 1 000000000000h OC EC SP
Current pending sector count 100 1 000000000000h OC EC SP
Off-line uncorrectable sector count 100 1 000000000000h EC
Ultra ATA CRC error rate 200 0 000000000000h OC PR ER EC SP
Load retry count 100 50 000000000000h OC EC
GMR head amplitude 85 60 0000000730CFh OC EC SP
Read error retry rate 100 50 000000000007h OC ER
CR-life critical OC-online collection PR-performance related
ER-error rate EC-event count SP-self preserving
I have a 2.5 year old Hitachi DK23CA-20 (2.5" 20GB 2.5") that is
performing very, very slowly. Sustained reads in the range of 7-
9MBytes/sec, with copy operations falling to 2Mbytes/sec or lower.
Subjectively, this drive was not this slow back when it was new, but I
have no old benchmarking data to make an objective comparison.
Is this kind of performance normal given the age of the drive or has
something broken?
It's defragged, running in UDMA-5 and the SMART status is as follows:
---------------------[Device S.M.A.R.T. status]----------------------
Attribute Value Thresh Raw Flags
Raw read error rate 99 50 001200000041h CR PR ER
Throughput performance 100 50 000000000FDCh CR PR
Spin up time 100 50 000000000000h CR OC PR
Start/stop count 100 50 0000000001C3h OC EC SP
Reallocated sector count 100 10 000000000000h CR OC EC SP
Seek error rate 100 50 00000000015Fh CR OC PR ER
Seek time performance 97 50 0000000007DCh CR PR
Power-on time count 55 60 00000014A7DCh OC EC SP
Spin up retry count 100 50 000000000000h CR OC EC
Device power cycle count 100 50 000000000161h OC EC SP
G-sense error rate 100 50 000000000001h OC ER
Power-off retract count 100 50 000000000017h OC EC SP
Load/unload cycle count 1 50 14BA6214BA7Ah OC EC SP
Temperature 52 0 0014004A0040h OC SP
Hardware ECC recovered 100 50 000000000002h OC ER EC
Reallocation event count 100 1 000000000000h OC EC SP
Current pending sector count 100 1 000000000000h OC EC SP
Off-line uncorrectable sector count 100 1 000000000000h EC
Ultra ATA CRC error rate 200 0 000000000000h OC PR ER EC SP
Load retry count 100 50 000000000000h OC EC
GMR head amplitude 85 60 0000000730CFh OC EC SP
Read error retry rate 100 50 000000000007h OC ER
CR-life critical OC-online collection PR-performance related
ER-error rate EC-event count SP-self preserving