F@H is GAY !!!


Feb 7, 2003
What the heck is WRONG with this program. Second wu in a row that has given errors and started over. Look at the log. Any way, to pick up where I left off? I lost over 1/2 a wu ( 20 hrs of work). Look near bottom, thats the error.

[20:37:16] - Ask before connecting: No
[20:37:16] - User name: AMD_GAMER (Team 40051)
[20:37:16] - User ID: 1608752511717682
[20:37:16] - Machine ID: 1
[20:37:17] Loaded queue successfully.
[20:37:17] Initialization complete
[20:37:17] + Benchmarking ...
[20:37:19] + Processing work unit
[20:37:19] Core required: FahCore_65.exe
[20:37:19] Core found.
[20:37:19] Working on Unit 08 [May 24 20:37:19]
[20:37:19] + Working ...
[20:37:20] Folding@Home Client Core Version 2.53 (June 29, 2004)
[20:37:20] Proj: work/wudata_08
[20:37:20] Done: 22955 -> 143236 (decompressed 623.9 percent)
[20:37:20] nsteps: 5000000 dt: 2.000000 dt_dump: 250.000000 temperature: 298.000000
[20:37:20] xyzfile:
[20:37:20] " 397 p1146_L939_WT_298K
[20:37:20] 1 N -16.262417 -3.680447 -3.204592 20..."
[20:37:20] keyfile:
[20:37:20] "parameters ./proj1137.prm
[20:37:20] NOVERSION
[20:37:20] ARCHIVE
[20:37:20] cutoff 16.0
[20:37:20] taper 12..."
[20:37:20] Hashes matched on file work/wudata_08.dyn
[20:37:22] ARC file integrity verified
[20:37:22] Restarting from checkpointed files.
[20:37:22] Protein: p1146_L939_WT_298K
[20:37:22] - Run: 20 (Clone 44, Gen 0)
[20:37:22] - Frames Completed: 171, Remaining: 229
[20:37:22] - Dynamic steps required: 2862500
[20:37:22] Writing local files:
[20:37:22] parameters work/wudata_08.prm
[20:37:22] - Writing "work/wudata_08.key": (overwrite) successful.
[20:37:22] - Writing "work/wudata_08.xyz": (overwrite) successful.
[20:37:22] - Writing "work/wudata_08.prm": (overwrite) successful.
[20:37:23] - Writing "work/wudata_08.key": (append) successful.
[20:37:23] PROJECT="work/wudata_08", NSTEPS=2862500, DT=2.0000, DTDUMP=25.000000, TEMP=298.00
[20:37:23] TINKER: Software Tools for Molecular Design
[20:37:23] Version 3.8 October 2000
[20:37:23] Copyright (c) Jay William Ponder 1990-2000
[20:37:23] portions Copyright (c) Michael Shirts 2001
[20:37:23] portions Copyright (c) Vijay S Pande 2001
[20:42:30] Finished a frame (172)
[20:47:38] Finished a frame (173)
[20:52:46] Finished a frame (174)
[20:57:54] Finished a frame (175)
[21:03:06] Finished a frame (176)
[21:08:18] Finished a frame (177)
[21:13:30] Finished a frame (178)
[21:18:42] Finished a frame (179)
[21:23:55] Finished a frame (180)
[21:29:08] Finished a frame (181)
[21:34:24] Finished a frame (182)
[21:40:06] Finished a frame (183)
[21:45:52] Finished a frame (184)
[21:51:48] Finished a frame (185)
[22:05:04] Finished a frame (186)
[22:21:41] Finished a frame (187)
[22:27:02] Finished a frame (188)
[22:32:32] Finished a frame (189)
[22:38:05] Finished a frame (190)
[22:43:31] Finished a frame (191)
[22:48:53] Finished a frame (192)
[22:54:20] Finished a frame (193)
[22:59:45] Finished a frame (194)
[23:05:09] Finished a frame (195)
[23:10:33] Finished a frame (196)
[23:15:58] Finished a frame (197)
[23:21:24] Finished a frame (198)
[23:26:49] Finished a frame (199)
[23:32:14] Finished a frame (200)
[23:37:39] Finished a frame (201)
[23:43:02] Finished a frame (202)
[23:48:38] Finished a frame (203)
[23:54:13] Finished a frame (204)
[00:00:28] Finished a frame (205)
[00:06:08] Finished a frame (206)
[00:11:56] Finished a frame (207)
[00:17:29] Finished a frame (208)
[00:23:33] Finished a frame (209)
[00:29:24] Finished a frame (210)
[00:34:58] Finished a frame (211)
[00:40:45] Finished a frame (212)
[00:46:45] Finished a frame (213)
[00:52:31] Finished a frame (214)
[00:58:25] Finished a frame (215)
[01:04:39] Finished a frame (216)
[01:10:40] Finished a frame (217)
[01:16:34] Finished a frame (218)
[01:24:47] Finished a frame (219)
[01:34:05] Finished a frame (220)
[01:44:10] Finished a frame (221)
[01:54:20] Finished a frame (222)
[02:04:31] Finished a frame (223)
[02:11:13] Finished a frame (224)
[02:20:04] Finished a frame (225)
[02:30:59] Finished a frame (226)
[02:37:19] + Working...
[02:40:43] Finished a frame (227)
[02:46:23] Finished a frame (228)
[02:51:36] Finished a frame (229)
[02:56:49] Finished a frame (230)
[03:02:17] Finished a frame (231)
[03:07:54] Finished a frame (232)
[03:13:23] Finished a frame (233)
[03:18:48] + Paused
[03:18:48] Suspending work thread...

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

--- Opening Log file [May 26 20:59:23]

# Windows Graphical Edition ###################################################

Folding@Home Client Version 5.03



Launch directory: C:\Program Files\Folding@Home

[20:59:23] - Ask before connecting: No
[20:59:23] - User name: AMD_GAMER (Team 40051)
[20:59:23] - User ID: 1608752511717682
[20:59:23] - Machine ID: 1
[20:59:24] Loaded queue successfully.
[20:59:24] Initialization complete
[20:59:24] + Benchmarking ...
[20:59:28] + Processing work unit
[20:59:29] Core required: FahCore_65.exe
[20:59:29] Core found.
[20:59:29] Working on Unit 08 [May 26 20:59:29]
[20:59:29] + Working ...
[20:59:29] Folding@Home Client Core Version 2.53 (June 29, 2004)
[20:59:29] Proj: work/wudata_08
[20:59:30] Done: 22955 -> 143236 (decompressed 623.9 percent)
[20:59:30] nsteps: 5000000 dt: 2.000000 dt_dump: 250.000000 temperature: 298.000000
[20:59:30] xyzfile:
[20:59:30] " 397 p1146_L939_WT_298K
[20:59:30] 1 N -16.262417 -3.680447 -3.204592 20..."
[20:59:30] keyfile:
[20:59:30] "parameters ./proj1137.prm
[20:59:30] NOVERSION
[20:59:30] ARCHIVE
[20:59:30] cutoff 16.0
[20:59:30] taper 12..."
<b>[20:59:30] Error: Hashes not equal on file work/wudata_08.dyn</b>
[20:59:30] Starting from initial work packet
[20:59:30] Protein: p1146_L939_WT_298K
[20:59:30] - Run: 20 (Clone 44, Gen 0)
[20:59:30] - Frames Completed: 0, Remaining: 400
[20:59:30] - Dynamic steps required: 5000000
[20:59:30] Writing local files:
Well, I think you're wrong there buddy. This happened right after start-up if you would have read the log file. Also, my CPU runs at 40C under full load, so its not overheating. Thermaltake Silent Boost and Artic Silver paste. Its definetly a bug or some crap. It was working fine, shut the comp down, and when I started it 2 days later, it gave the error. Ha, so now I am uninstalling and reinstalling until I get one of the 600 pointers. Haha, Stanford. I got screwed over, so now I am going to cheat the system.
Are you using version 5.03?
You could also try the beta version, it worked for me.

Many things can go wrong, and it is seriously crunching and very processor and memory intesive.

<pre><font color=red>°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°`°¤o \\// o¤°`°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>
BTW, Protien Folding is for science, and if all you are interested in is points, you are missing the point!?!?
If you fold and data is corrupt, you will still get credited the points, but the data is useless, and the point is mute...
Do it for the right reasons!

<pre><font color=red>°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°`°¤o \\// o¤°`°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>
I know how it feels to lose WU's. At one time I had a running total of around 2000 points in WU's that I had lost. Im with Rich on this one, something is not totally stable with your system.

Intel P4 550(3.4)@<font color=green>5Ghz</font color=green>
Asus P5AD2-E-Premium
Crucial Ballistix DDR2 667@<font color=red>DDR2 800<font color=red> Owned!
I doubt it, and if you did, data would have high chance of being useless. Sorry.
But I have used the beta versions in the past, and had no probs.
Are you at least running 5.03?

<pre><font color=red>°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°`°¤o \\// o¤°`°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>
Using 5.03. I posted on the F@H forum, and someone told me to stop using the pause command. They said just to quit. I dunno, if that makes a difference or not.
I only just started useing the pause command becasue i felt that it was save the last few min of folding.

...I have had my system crash on me once... Im not sure what happened but im silling to be it was over heating... the house was Hot that night and it had been running for a good 24 hrs. but after restart it started up where it left off.

<b><A HREF="http://www.digitalgunfire.com" target="_new">DigitalGunfire-Industrial EBM</A></b>
ASUS P4S8X-P4 2.4B - 2x512M DDR333 - ATI 9500Pro - WD80G HD(8M) - SAMSUNG SV0844D 8G HD - LG 16X DVD - Yamaha F1 CDRW
Hey,, You're offending my delicate sensibilities now. Damn porn.

<font color=blue> You are only as cool as you think you are, which makes me pretty lame. :_( </font color=blue>
The only time I lost a work unit was my fault. I pressed the reset button on my PC and it corrupted teh work unit. Since then, I have not lost a work unit. Thats because I have a stable PC.

So my guess is that its not F@H thats gay, its your PC. LOL Could be faulty memory (run MemTest86) and if you get even one errror, you have bad memory. Ive run that program so many times and dont have any errors.

Signature X__________________________ <-- Sign here please.
Wanna hear some funny sh<i></i>it? I was laid off from my job almost two months ago. I had installed the console version of F@H as a service on my work computer a couple of months earlier. Well when I was cleaning out my desk and deleting files I saw no reason to uninstall it (tee-hee). IT'S STILL RUNNING! No one has even noticed it, but it's still folding away!

Stupid people are so entertaining. 😎

<font color=blue>Good judgement comes from experience.
Experience comes from bad judgement.</font color=blue>
Sweet deal!

<b><A HREF="http://www.digitalgunfire.com" target="_new">DigitalGunfire-Industrial EBM</A></b>
ASUS P4S8X-P4 2.4B - 2x512M DDR333 - ATI 9500Pro - WD80G HD(8M) - SAMSUNG SV0844D 8G HD - LG 16X DVD - Yamaha F1 CDRW
I have realized that now. A few people told me the same thing in the F@H forum. Hmm, maybe they should tell you that in the readme. Oh, well. Now I know to just click quit instead of pause.

My System:
<A HREF="http://amdgamingrig.dyndns.org" target="_new">http://amdgamingrig.dyndns.org</A>
ok, so pausing and shutting down is a no no... what about pausing, quiting, then shutting down?

i fugired pausing saves your place.

<b><A HREF="http://www.digitalgunfire.com" target="_new">DigitalGunfire-Industrial EBM</A></b>
ASUS P4S8X-P4 2.4B - 2x512M DDR333 - ATI 9500Pro - WD80G HD(8M) - SAMSUNG SV0844D 8G HD - LG 16X DVD - Yamaha F1 CDRW
No, you have to resart F@H after a pause. Correct order is pause, un-pause, then shut down. The advantage to pause is that it keeps the tray icon in place, as well as giving a current save. All the same, I use quit, just in case the system crashes.
Pause? Meh. I've got two services running (thanks to HT) and start and stop batch files using the net command linked to desktop shortcuts so that if I have to, I can stop and start at the click of a button and/or with a quick tap-tap-tap from the console. Of course sometimes I forget to start them again after I've stopped them, but all in all it works out fairly well.

<pre><font color=orange><i>Jesters do oft prove prophets.</i> -Regan in
King Lear (Act V, Scene iii) by William Shakespear</font color=orange></pre><p>@ 189K -> 200,000 miles or bust!