I know, I'm gonna get flamed for that, it's just a joke. I make fun of Asians as well and my gf and inlaws are Asian, and my son is half Asian too. I'm not racist, I hate everyone 😀
[citation][nom]SAL-e[/nom]Wow. I am surprised that HP engineers did not know that Infrared spectrum should be used to track human face or any other warm blooded animal. That is the main reason all security detectors are using infrared systems. Does anybody remember when Sony released video camera without IR filter and you can take 'naked' videos of women at the beach.[/citation]
As someone that has worked on face tracking programs before I can tell you that using an IR camera is not good for general face tracking. If the camera is use outside the sunlight tends to flood the sensor and it's hard to get a good image.
Back on topic, there are algorithms to track faces that can cope with skin color differences. I don't know why they weren't used. Maybe they are too CPU intensive for the system.
[citation][nom]zerapio[/nom]As someone that has worked on face tracking programs before I can tell you that using an IR camera is not good for general face tracking. If the camera is use outside the sunlight tends to flood the sensor and it's hard to get a good image.[/citation]
My experience is with security cameras. Only problem we had was direct sun in the frame or reflection from big glass windows across the street. In any other situation we got better face pictures using IR mode of the cameras. At the same time I thing this is because we was using much better optics then webcams. What I know that heating the room to body temperature in order to blind the security IR camera only works on cheap IR cameras. The bright IR LEDs will do much better job.
hello lawsuit!!! that is all I got to say to this.
I am a black consumer buying a product that is suppose to track my face, oh but wait only tracks whites and not blacks??? wtf only for whites and not for everyone... wtf
haahh HP sucks they should have better cameras ones that use infared tracking but i guess HP is too stupid to figure that out. besides their laptops last maybe 3 months
[citation][nom]konig[/nom]who cares, computers are not designed for cotton pickers anyway...all they use it for is to play GTA San Andreas[/citation]
dude take it easy...i take it that your parents did not teach you to respect all kinds of people and be indifferent to their color or race. wtf is wrong with you?
[citation][nom]SAL-e[/nom]Well most of current webcam are based on small CCD sensor. By nature CCD sensor can see IR just fine. All web cams has IR filter. [/citation]
But it would be way more useful if you could make face tracking software without necessarily relying on a CCD camera. You'd be able to use it in a lot more cameras and not restrict the manufacturer to a certain set of hardware.
Its not the camera but the people who made the software and hardware who are to blame.
The fact that the positively didn't test this on any black people means that the programmers and engineers don't know any well enough to maybe have had one around there house one time to showed them it working. (Like when a friend comes around and you just have to show off). Or that Hewlet Packard has no black members of staff in this particular team or a none in positions within the company for again one of the programmers or engineers to test on. These are sad facts and the fact no one at the company even checked means that the camera is not racist but the thinking at the company leans very much towards this.
Needs sorting out this one