Yesterday my 10 year old cord extension with surge protection made an electric arc sound and straight up turned off with my whole system, turned it back on and it didn't light up, neither did my computer turn on. I took it apart and didn't find anything wrong with it, i changed it to one with no protection and after plugging in the power cable into the PSU it also made the arc sound but i went along thinking it was a one time thing, and it appeared it was. I turned my system on and after about 10 minutes my computer turned off and started to restart. On that very restart it was working as usual. Then i turned computer off, unplugged to see if the cable or the pins were damaged or not and they're not, so i plugged it back in, heard the arc sound again and turned the pc on. The same scenario happened as the first time. Today i turned PC on and nothing of unusual happened, i was thinking if the dying of my surge protected cord extension damaged the PSU. I have anti surge support turned off in the UEFI.