Failing video card?


Jan 19, 2014
I have an XFX Radeon R7 260X 2 GB, and I think it is going out on me.
Whenever I try to load Minecraft, sometimes it will freeze and Windows will tell that the "Display driver has stopped responding and has recovered." On Crysis 3, my system will freeze when I first load it up, and I can tell that it's the whole system because when I move the mouse cursor, it won't move on-screen. Whenever I load up PlanetSide 2, it freezes on the opening animation, then the game plays normally.
I was planning on getting a new video card soon, but how could my current card die on me in only four months?
I've reinstalled the drivers three times since this whole incident.
Any solutions/comments are welcome.
My specs are posted in my sig.

Full Specs:
AMD A10-7850K @ 3.7 GHz/4.0 GHz Turbo
ASUS A88XM-A Micro ATX Motherboard
XFX Radeon R7 260X Double D Edition
G.SKILL Ares 8 GB DDR3 RAM @ 1866 MHz
SeaGate 500 GB HDD @ 7200 RPM
SeaSonic 450W 80+ Gold Power Supply

GPU while playing Crysis 3: 58 Degrees C
CPU while playing Crysis 3: 45 Degrees C