Fan recommendations for cooling fix?

So, I have a bit of a problem. Also, should I forget later on, note that all temperature figures are given AT LOAD. All purchases to be made in Canada.

First, specs of relevance:
1080ti GPU; EVGA SC Black (H105 AIO cooled)
i7-6700k CPU (H60 AIO Cooled)
all five fan slots filled, using stock fan offerings. CPU and GPU have Arctic Silver 5 applied.

I'm running a NZXT Manta Case, which was unfortunately suffocating my graphics card due to getting the wrong blower style (mistake on my part). Fine, whatever, I got a liquid cooling kit and installed it on the card. 84c->53c, so I'll take it.

I now have a H105 Corsair AIO cooler radiator at the front of my case, and a pre-existing H60 AIO cooler on my i7-6700k. The H105 is cooling the GPU, and unfortunately I can't move it to a different position due to physical constraints.

Anyhow, my CPU is now baking, and the mobo system reports are also pretty high. CPU is reaching 89c at load, while sys is reporting upwards of 70c. Current config in use (I know this isn't the best, but it's not a ton worse than the others and I don't want to bother fixing it until I have a better idea of what I'm doing). Yellow is rad, red is fan:


CPU: 80
GPU: 54
SYS: 66

I've heard tell of static pressure fans and airflow fans, but I'm not really sure what I should be looking at. I'd like to try and keep the whole thing fairly quiet, but I also don't have a ton of money to be spending on fans to replace the stock offerings.

Here's my config I'm thinking would probably work well (please advise if you have ideas - just remember that the H105 unfortunately has to stay in the front in some capacity) yellow is rad, red is fan.... in this case though, assume the rads are on the outer side. I messed up the diagram there.


In testing with my current fans, it showed the best temps, still a bit high though:
CPU: 72
GPU: 59
SYS: 58

I was thinking of buying some of these:

But I'm not really sure what I want here - I feel I need good intake airflow for the top vents and strong outflow for the exhausts in order to make this an effective solution, but I don't really know what I'd want for static vs. airflow type fans.

The case itself only has one open fan area, which is the rear exhaust. Top and front are meshed.

Thank you for any help.
I briefly scanned your post so apology if i missed something.

Cool air in, hot radiators exhaust.
Youd want static air pressure fans , not airflow type fans. (airflow only fans for unrestricted use (no radiator or heavy grills))

Noctua fans are the best. for 120mm the A12x25 are best $ can buy
further consideration, id air intake at front, exhaust rear & top.

It looks like you had radiator blowing in - all that does is put hot air in your case. you need to expel hot air.
Having the exhaust up top also works with convection. Hot air rises. dont fight it.
You dropped 30c on gpu temps fitting that h105.
So in theory you're bringing in air now through the front that's 30c over ambient when the gpu is under heavy use.

Then in all honesty the h60 just plain isn't that good a cooler.

Your second diagram idea , even though it's non standard I'm in 100% agreement on swapping the h105 to exhaust out of the front.

Not convinced on bringing the 2 top fans as intakes & the h60 as exhaust though.

Is there room to fit a push/pull fan setup in the h60 ??

If so If remove that top rear fan , fit it to the h60 as push/pull - still as an intake & just leave the top,front fan as an exhaust.

Swap the h105 to exhaust , that's a 100% given.

Your idea may be better , it may not .

Probably worth trying both.


Re: H60 - Perhaps, but I recall it being adequate before I upgraded the card with cooling. It suggests to me that I can probably fix the issue if I can do something about my airflow situation. Presently it pulls hot air in from the gfx rad, and I suspect that's a contributor to my troubles. I'll take that under advisement though. It may have something to do with switching it to a 4 pin pwm vs. a 3 pin controller. I sadly did not do this whole business very scientifically and so lack the original config data. I just remember I wasn't worried about my CPU temps pre-gpu cooler install.

Re: Push/pull
I will admit.... I've seen this term used ... but I'm sort of unsure as to what that actually is? Sorry if it's a stupid question.
Matt, why the preference for a radiator exhausting via the front as opposed to exhausting via top?

Push /pull is 2 fans with the radiator/heatsink in the middle of the fans

Still opposed to having any radiator as an intake. hot air should be expelled, not blown into system.
I'd go with:
Top fans should be high airflow type and blow in.
CPU fan should be high static pressure and also blow in.
The GPU cooler fans should be high static pressure and blow out.
This reverses conventional airflow which normally uses convection to assist cooling; Hot air rises so you allow it to, but convection is a weak force, easily overcome in such a compact space.

These are good all round fans:
And these will help withy the radiators: