Far Cry 4 Game Performance Review

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I'm assuming none since with my GTX 970 and i7 4790k, I was regularly bottoming out into the low-40s/upper-30s with SMAA enabled.
I have a gtx780 reference and an i5 4670k, I get BETTER framrates with SMAA enabled at 1080p than with 2xMSAA or the game-suggested level of 2xTXAA. I play this game on ultra. I do get fps drops in highly vegetated areas. The biggest performance gain is seen when I disable god rays.
The AMD drivers used were the 14.9 Omega drivers, but the omega drivers are 14.12, not 14.9. Is it supposed to say 14.12 or were the 14.9 drivers used?
I am so BIASED. sigh what is this world coming to when we can trust nothing and no one for good info. I wanna see FX8350 with 290x with updated drivers and i5 4690 with GTX 9802 newest drivers so all of us can compare somewhat lol
@ Johnny: FX 4170 for old gen high clocked quad.

6300, 6350, same thing mostly.

You can OC an 8350 to that level of performance, so you can approximate.
THis game was so badly made. Why would there be such a difference in the CPU FPS? Sigh and very suprised such low FPS on the 295x2 which is the best money can buy these days. Very badly made game, glad i got it for FREE i would never buy it at its point now.
Frame-Rate Over Time chart for Ultra Details @ 1440p is mislabeled as "Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor"

Thanks Tom's for putting these test results up. I realize you picked a very specific 30 second run somewhere within the game, and that my subjective opinion on my experiences in-game may vary because I didn't approach my testing in the same manner. I realize it had to have been tedious to test this game on so many different hardware configurations. I'm glad you had what hardware you did have available for the testing. Cherry picking very specific hardware components or waiting for updated drivers would have postponed the article even longer. You must have been at this awhile ago, and it must have taken you quite a bit of time to complete.

Thanks again, Happy New Year! (addressing various comments at once lol)

i run a 280X that is factory clocked to a ghz edition level.
i run the game with everything maxed but the fur sim and the AO, for ao, set it to the lowest one available, they fixed the really crappy implementation from far cry 3 that gave everything a black outline, and the difference between the lowest setting and the highest is visually negligible while you will notice a LARGE jump in framerate...

though i cant figure out whats up with the random LARGE fps dips, im assumeing it has to do withloading areas apposed to it being just a graphics problem...

now that i see the very high and ultra comparison. im going to find out what makes that blue haze and kill it, i think very high overall looks better than ultra because of that.

-- update --

turn off alpha to coverage in the game xml file, it costs a stupid amount of processing power for something you have to magnify to see

i also turned off tree relief because it takes a stupid amount of processing power for not much visual benefit and i just knocked down the geometry level to low because in all honesty i play on the ground more often than i go in the air, and it culls trees so far out i don't notice it at all unless i specifically look for it.

also personal preference, i turned shadows to either high or very high... i dont like soft shadows much, and the performance hit for them isnt worth it, i had originally though that anything lower than ultra lowered the shadow map and made it look blocky but i was wrong. with the power i saved, i turned hbao+ on because i saw that this game handles some areas stupidly where the only way to see detail with with the ssao... i wish games would stop doing this and just bake ao on anything that doesn't move and save me the processing power so i can turn the crap low of off completely.

you also may want to turn water effects to low instead of ultra... the difference is negligible at best, but same with performance gains.

sadly no way for me to get fps works so yay...
why not reduce the resolution to 720p with the cpu tests so we can see if there would be a difference between the i5 and i7? What another site also found was the game does not load at all with a dual core (non ht) processor. Doesn't even run. Apparently there is a fix for it, but still....

yes you can, though im not sure if there is a performance hit when you use amd or not... i just did tweaking and got over all better performance with nvidia crap turned on than with it off... funny how that worked.
So does the game not have high and just goes from medium to ultra or did they not benchmark it?
That was the benchmark I was looking for...
On the 1440p performance page, one of the graphs is labeled Shadow of Mordor.

Also, the graphs between frame time variance and frame time variance over time do not match. The first graph shows that 980 and 970 have similar values, and 290x having the worst, but in the over time graph, 980 is the worst (it seems like the colors for 290x and 980 have been mixed up).
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