Far Cry 4 Game Performance Review

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Love how biased this game is with nvidia cards you can run half the ultra settings on AMD cards without the game crashing or slowing to a crawl. A pox on Ubisoft, I'm not supporting this garbage anymore.
Nice to see low end cards included. Would be interesting to see how an A10 7850k APU compares I assume it would be comparable to an R7 250x
@ Alidan: Actually Nvidia did an article on the game and found that the Soft Shadows are actually faster than shadows set on Very High and while the quality of the two is visually identical, to get shadows drawn to a much further distance.

I also remember that HBAO+ AO is faster and looks better than SSAO. If you don't have performance, stick with basic AO .
I hope they ACTUALLY fix the multi GPU issues this time around. They never did fix the issues in FC3. For the SP you would actulaly gain a slight bit more performance, but not much. In the Multiplayer, you could join a match, play that match the whole way through, but right after the match would end FC3 would stop responding and send you back to the desktop. Ubisoft blamed the nvidia and amd drivers for the issues, and those companies said it was the engine that needed updating not the drivers. I'm inclined to believe Nvidia and AMD in this matter since it affects them both in the same way. You would think if it WAS a driver issue, at least one of the two companies would of had the issue fixed. lol.

XFIRE/SLI issues with FC3: http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=372317 These issues were never fixed....
I lost interest playing this game in the opening sequence. What a boring a pointless way to spend an afternoon. This game is junk - pretty junk - but still junk.
You need to show the horrible stuttering vs. various setups. These benchmarks do not match my experience at all. I am running at 1440p with 2x SLI 970s and I have to turn the settings down to make it at all playable; with only medium high settings I still get terrible stuttering at times.

This game also has lots of other graphical glitches (like black shadows with SLI, TXAA breaking at times, FOV resetting randomly, FOV setting not working correctly in vehicles and several other places, etc.).

The interface was poorly ported. The controls can only be mapped to one button and changing one mapping will effect lots of other mappings. This is due to them basically just remapping the controller buttons to keyboard buttons. Like if say the X button on the controller controlled five things in different situations, then if you remap any of those five on the keyboard it will change all five to use the new button. The game also takes control away from you a lot to play different character animations; which is not so jarring with a controller but is quite jarring when using the mouse.

Overall for me, the technical problems and the poor interface overcame what fun there was in this game. I hope Just Cause 3 does it better.
After the 1.6 update they still didn't fix the black bar problem with 16:10 monitors. I got a black bar on the bottom of my 3x1600p setup which is a bit annoying.

Have you tried disabling SLI for this game? That's a very possible cause for your troubles...


i think the problem has to do with how the game loads, as it happens on single cards too.
Gamespot and Metacritics are rating FC4 lower than FC3. I don't know, since I played FC series only Insticts on Xbox was perfect. I think I'll wait for the next big discount. Blood Dragon add-on was absolutely perfect. The story in FC3 had highs and lows and the final mission was completely dumb, with a strange ending. Very good experience overall but left me with doubts. Maybe first torrent it and then buy if they don't do a demo.

FC4 is like 10 times better than FC3, in my opinion anyways. Especially in co-op, you can literally do anything together instead of just choosing missions in the menu, from doing any story mission to hunting animals for upgrades, or do any side missions together. From all of the games I've experienced so far, which are all graphical intensive games, I think FC4 has the best graphics overall, other than BF4, both of them looks so real, I just can't tell which one looks better :lol: and I play it on 4k@ultra, so the graphics are closer to reality than ever, it's just ridiculous how real everything looks 😀
This is definitely a better game than FC3... much better... not sure why it would be rated lower by anyone.

I played through on 1440p Ultra (gtx970, i5-4690k), gameplay was great with no noticeable frame rate drops - game never glitched and overall experience was very polished/solid.

Very fun game overall.
For Nvidia, they used drivers released in November that had specific-Far Cry 4 support.

For AMD, they used drivers (Catalyst 14.9) released in SEPTEMBER, that did NOT have specific-Far Cry 4 support.

There was a beta version of the driver released at the same time as the Nvidia driver. There was an official version available December 8th. Both offered vast (up to 50%) increases in performance vs previous drivers.

I realize that they have to go with what is available during testing and you may hesitate to use beta drivers. However, December 8th seems reasonable when the article was published on December 30th. By using the September drivers, you significantly biased your review toward Nvidia. It is essentially worthless in current performance comparison. Essentially, Nvidia was given the opportunity to get better scores and AMD was not.

They should do an updated review with current, real-world results.
@ Brad K. I'm pretty sure they were using the omega drivers and the 14.9 was a typo. The Omega drivers are 14.12 and the Omega driver didn't exist back when 14.9 came out.

On the test setup page they called the driver 14.9 Omega which is not right either way, although people have asked for clarification but there has been no answer yet....

It's Ubisoft =/ Spinter Cell, AC, FC... repetitive game-play... professional reviewers would feel it even more when you really get down to basics of the games. I'm getting old and they all just feel like the same game anymore with add-on packs that change scenery / time of events.
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