
Oct 11, 2015
I currently have eight 16GB memory installed on my PC.

But I now need more, and there is no more slot on my motherboard so I want to buy 32GB memory.

On Amazon, I found these three.

But these seem to have lower specs than my current 16GB memory in terms of memory clock speed and memory speed.

I heard there is 32GB memory with DDR4-3200 or DDR4-4800 or even better. But I can't find them anywhere on Amazon or Bestbuy. Where can I find them?
What motherboard do you have? You aren't likely to find registered memory at that speed.

If there are specific articles you can point to about these speeds. Check the manufacturers websites directly.

Any memory you find is likely heavily overclocked. Given the capacities you are talking about. You likely would want to use them for production work.
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Oct 11, 2015
What motherboard do you have? There's very, very few boards that'll actually support more than 128Gb of ram, so spending $1000+ on that much would be pointless no matter what speeds.

What motherboard do you have? You aren't likely to find registered memory at that speed.

If there are specific articles you can point to about these speeds. Check the manufacturers websites directly.

Any memory you find is likely heavily overclocked. Given the capacities you are talking about. You likely would want to use them for production work.

Thank you for your answers.

This is my motherboard:

And currently I have this memory:
totaling 128GB.

What I am trying to find is (individually, as one piece) 32GB memory, which also has speed as fast as what I currently have. Even if I get 32GB memory, if it is slower in some respect than my current one, it will be meaningless.
That motherboard only supports 128GB RAM. Looking at the memory support list. The maximum per module density is 16GB.

The RAM you listed are also all Registered memory. That motherboard only supports unbuffered. As far as I'm aware only Samsung has a 32GB UDIMM on the market and it is 2666 Mhz. Most motherboards likely won't support it.
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  1. 8 x DDR4 DIMM sockets supporting up to 128 GB of system memory.
    * Supported when using a 44-lane or 28-lane CPU (6-core or above).
So, you'd still only have 128Gb max, and the sockets only support upto 16Gb per stick. Pointless spending out on 32Gb sticks.

At 32Gb+, you won't find that in unregistered udimm, you'll only find that size on server ram, registered EEC and lower load, and the fastest available I could find is 2666MHz. Server ram isn't made to be fast, it doesn't need to be, it just has to be big. You can get DIMMs upto 512Gb per stick, at 2133MHz, but your mobo will absolutely not support it. Gigabyte originally made upto 64Gb sticks viable, but in a later micro-coded bios revision (as in not removable even with bios revert to lower/older) changed that and set it at 16Gb. Period.

Simply saying, what ram you have is the best your board can handle, regardless of what you want.
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