faulty DDR3 hp 598856 - 001


Feb 20, 2017

I have hp G62 - 143CL notebook and it has a weird ram issue, one ddr3 ram with 2gb capacity have hardware issue that appear if I left the laptop for several hours off then when I turn it on back it gives me the blue error screen with memory managment error..... finally I discovered a solution for this by removing the faulty ram from the slot and touching the copper terminals of the ram with clean metal edge on both sides of the ram then reinserting it and the problem gone away for the next hours as long as the pc is running!!! Even when I set it to sleep!! The issue appear only when I shut dwon the laptop for several hours....

Any idea how to detect the faulty component on the pcb board? Like bad capictors or resistors?

You cannot repair RAM. You will have to replace it.

Be very careful with Computer Components and Millimeters as they do pass energy through still which can potentially destroy a Microprocessor.
I didn't try another ram as I can't find the same or compatible one.. but running the pc with the other healthy ram doesn't cause such issues and when I put the faulty ram alone the issue occur, so i'm sure its the ram not the slots..
I know, my question is that is it possible to locate the faulty components on the pcb board like capacitors or resistors? Like with digital multimeter?

Yes, it is provide you have training.

There is a possibility of you doing damage to the board. You should only need to replace the RAM what do you think is faulty on the board?

I would compare the readings of capacitors and resistors of two rams and locate the components that have different readings!

You cannot repair RAM. You will have to replace it.

Be very careful with Computer Components and Millimeters as they do pass energy through still which can potentially destroy a Microprocessor.