[SOLVED] Faulty PSU?

Dec 5, 2020

I hope someone could be a legend and let me know if in fact my psu is faulty. Is first started when it took 3/4 tries to boot to desktop. Initially it everything would light up, fans running but wouldn't show nothing on the screen but after a few tries it would boot and perform fine.

More recent it was taking 9/10 times to boot up. After giving it a clean and reseating everything it doesn't boot even come on or boot to bios. Sometimes everything will stay on but other times it will restart after 30 seconds.

Below is a video of it plugged into a tester. Can someone explain HH code? Thanks so much in advance.
Alternative video
View: https://youtu.be/gt4gwktvmMM
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Thank you, I replaced the psu but then found out my bios was also corrupt. Fixed that and finally boots first time in months! Appreciate the reply
Thank you, I replaced the psu but then found out my bios was also corrupt. Fixed that and finally boots first time in months! Appreciate the reply