
Mar 24, 2012
Hello everyone,

I have this problem and I hope someone can help me out.

I wanted to install Windows 8 on my computer, but for that I needed an empty partition. So I downloaded an app called Aomei Dynamic Disk manager and shrank one of my S-ATA disks so I could use the empty space as another disk.

However, this app failed doing so and my HDD's dissaperead from "My Computer". Now.. I searched a tool and came across a blog post where someone explained how to undo it. He called it "Convert Dynamic Disk to Basic".

So using HXD HEx tool according to his guide, I changed a few numbers (42 to 07) and succesfully recovered 1/2 HDD partition. However, while I was trying to recover the other one, apperantly, i changed the values of DISK 1 which was in this case my system DISk..And you gussed it.. Now my system wont boot.

When i start my PC... it says eather repair or start windows normaly.. Repair doesnt work.. And when windows starts.. it restarts at the Windows 7 logo.

Can this be undone? I am willing to reinstall Windows .. if my files are still retrieveable. I have another computer which i can use to maybe recover files. However, when i plugged my System disk (IDE) next to the system disk of my other PC.. it says Boot failure.. Apperantly there is a collision since both are system disks. Long story.. Hope you can understand my problem.. I can give additional info if its still unclear.

Thanks in advance!


Mar 24, 2012
Hi again,

Good news. I have been able to get my system up and running again. I managed to start my second computer with the "broken" system disk attached. Setting one to Master and other to Slave solved the issue. After I got in, I used the same software (HXD Hex tool) to revert the changes. I am now in Windows and I'm trying to recover my 3rd and final drive.

SO that's an update. Any help is welcome. What is the easiest way to recover files or entire drive/partition?


Apr 1, 2012
I am facing same problem like yours . I couldn't enter into windows 7 after doing those number change from 42 to 07 . can u say me how u solved it .
This is my mail id
it would be great help ! plz