Files are missing



Archived from groups: (More info?)

When i goto play an mpeg movie as such and some other
things also of which i cannot remember, it comes up with
2 error messages:
1st says its missing cpuinf32.dll
2nd says its missing mplapx.dll
then it says that wmplayes has encountered a problem and
needs to close...... you know, that message.
please help?
Archived from groups: (More info?)

WMP does not have a mpeg decoder so this needs to be supplied by third party
s/ware such as powerdvd.
Do you have one?

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
"Sean Daley" <> wrote in message
> When i goto play an mpeg movie as such and some other
> things also of which i cannot remember, it comes up with
> 2 error messages:
> 1st says its missing cpuinf32.dll
> 2nd says its missing mplapx.dll
> then it says that wmplayes has encountered a problem and
> needs to close...... you know, that message.
> please help?
> thanks
Archived from groups: (More info?)

Yes, i do have power dvd. I recently reinstalled windows
and this problem only started to occur afterwards,

>-----Original Message-----
>WMP does not have a mpeg decoder so this needs to be
supplied by third party
>s/ware such as powerdvd.
>Do you have one?
>Graham Hughes
>MVP Digital Media
>"Sean Daley" <> wrote in message
>> When i goto play an mpeg movie as such and some other
>> things also of which i cannot remember, it comes up
>> 2 error messages:
>> 1st says its missing cpuinf32.dll
>> 2nd says its missing mplapx.dll
>> then it says that wmplayes has encountered a problem
>> needs to close...... you know, that message.
>> please help?
>> thanks
Archived from groups: (More info?)

HAve you tried updating powerdvd, if your original is old?

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
<> wrote in message
> Yes, i do have power dvd. I recently reinstalled windows
> and this problem only started to occur afterwards,
>>-----Original Message-----
>>WMP does not have a mpeg decoder so this needs to be
> supplied by third party
>>s/ware such as powerdvd.
>>Do you have one?
>>Graham Hughes
>>MVP Digital Media
>>"Sean Daley" <> wrote in message
>>> When i goto play an mpeg movie as such and some other
>>> things also of which i cannot remember, it comes up
> with
>>> 2 error messages:
>>> 1st says its missing cpuinf32.dll
>>> 2nd says its missing mplapx.dll
>>> then it says that wmplayes has encountered a problem
> and
>>> needs to close...... you know, that message.
>>> please help?
>>> thanks