First build advice/critiquing


Nov 13, 2012
This is my first build so don't be too hard on me please haha. The big thing right now that I don't know is the PSU that i should use. I was going with 500w but I decided I would eventually want to add other things so I wanted some expandability. I know I'll need 750 but I was thinking of 1000 just in case, but I'm not positive. I have most of it decided but any of it can be changed so suggestions are welcome. I think it all adds up to around $550-$600 but I have room to spend around $700-$750 but the lower the better haha. It's really just going to be an everyday use computer. I'll be on the Internet a lot, I'm prone to using multiple programs at once (browser, photo editor, music, and word processor is a normal combination), multimedia usage, and I haven't started gaming but it is something I'd like to do. Overclocking has interested me lately as well. Also, I plan to use Linux Ubuntu as I do now. We'll there's all of that and here are the parts:
-NZXT Phantom full tower. I recently heard that NZXT has poor customer service so I wouldn't mind changing that. I want a full tower case, I need 4 5.25" external at least but preferably 5 as well as 5 3.5" internal. I also would prefer having a door on the front and a side window like the Phantom does.
-I know it may be a stupid idea or a waste of money but I'm going to go with an AMD FX-8120 Processor.
-I have been looking at a Gigabyte GA-970A-D3 motherboard but that is subject to change if there's a better one for the money. I want a high amount of USB ports and 5 sata ports.
**I found a good deal on these two as a combination and I would rather it be a combination if you propose another so that it's more cost effective.
-EVGA GeForce GT-520 Video Card. I don't want to spend much on this because that isn't a huge deal to me. I need it to be HDMI though.
-Corsair Vengeance 8GB, but if you know of a budget but still good 16GB replacement I would rather have that.
-WD Caviar Blue 1TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache. This is a little bit of an overkill but I found a good deal. I think starting off with 500GB would be better but this is the most bang for my buck I've found. I'm going to start with just a single HDD but I eventually want to have a raid 10 set up and a SSD with just my OS on it. I don't know what capacity for the SSD would be best though. I also don't know much about the different brands so any help here would be nice.
-Using this case I will have 2-3 200mm led fans and probably 3-4 120 or 140. (It comes with a bunch and I'm not just going to take them out)
-I don't know what kind of heat sink to use so suggestions would be great. No water cooling though, I don't care if the chances of it busting are slim I'm not taking them.

I want to either have a red theme or purple and orange (Ubuntu colors) so keep that in mind please.
I have found a lot of this from compusa so that is my preferred website but it doesn't really matter.
If there are any other additional details that you may need I probably have them.
Thanks ahead for any help =)
FX-8120 but I think I'll go with the 8320 or 8350 since I have a little more money. I know that graphics card isn't, I'll upgrade it by that time I just don't have the money at the moment.
I'm not buying Intel. I like AMD better and those aren't even equal. You're telling me to move from 8 cores to 2. I know it will be hard to an orange and purple but the only things that are really colored are the fans and I've found some that look nice. I'll probably end up doing red though.
Well this wasn't that great of a build but I can attribute that to the fact that I thought I'd have less money to spend than I do. I have 750 for sure and I've upgraded things accordingly thanks to some help. Clearly the graphics card I chose was **** so can you recommend one around $100 that's still good?

actually it's 4 physical cores and 4"fake cores"for lack or a better term,but it does not have 8 physical cores and also intel is way better than amd in the last 5-10 years amd was awesome but intel took the lead and has kept a ferm lead in preformance

Well that actually depends on the software and programs you're running. As I said I'm running Linux. Most Linux OS' have the ability to use all 8. Intel does have some processors that are better and there best definitely beats AMD, but if I prefer AMD and that's what I'm going to go with. I'm not here to debate processors as I have already decided to use AMD. Intel is a good company but I don't like them and I won't use them.
What about that? Also, I do have a little bit of room to upgrade the Graphics Card, but not much because I'd rather not hit $750. Also, what is a good 5.25" card reader expansion and a good fan controller. A high end expansión would be cool, something with volume and such. I would like one that that has a Micro SD reader and Micro USB port thought. I haven't found one so if you know of one I would love to know as well.
What about it is bad?
Well here's my final choice
With one of these PSUs
Or do you have one that you'd recommend for a decent price?
Is that good?
I may not need that kind of power but I've been told to get something big for expandability.

In regards to hard drives, I'm wanting to end up with 4 so I can do raid 10. I've heard a lot of good about WD Reds, but they only get gave 5,400 RPM. Is that a big deal? In raid it shouldn't matter much but will the extra 1,800 per drive with blues be better? Also, I found the 300GB WD Velociraptors on sale for like $70, but wouldn't the 10,000 RPM be a little overkill? Plus it's 300GB for the price of 1TB of blue. Is it worth it?