Build Advice First Build : All advice is appreciated! Need help with Motherboard and maybe CPU Budget : £900

Jul 20, 2019
This is my first time making a build so I'll try and keep this to the point.
I am going to use the system for some gaming (mainly Rainbow 6) and basic Uni work.

I don't know if I bother trying to by an overclockable CPU because it is my first build, but I do want this build to last a long time. I am also struggling to find a decent MotherBoard and Ram that fts my Black/Red colour scheme and remain a decent budget system.

Preferably less that £850.

The parts I have been thinking about are as follows and happy to make changes:
CPU: Intel i5-6600K
CPU Cooler: Hyper 212 EVO 82.9
SSD : Samsung 860 EVO 500 GB
GPU - Gigabyte GTX 1060 6GB Windforce
Case: P400 ATX Phanteks
Case Fans: Corsair AF140 *(3 or 4)

Once again any support is appreciated
For the CPU I would go with Ryzen 3600 . Great all-around CPU. For the motherboard go with B450. For the RAM go with 16 GB 3000+ mhz dual channel (2x8 sticks). For the GPU, it really depends on where do plan to buy your PC and what are the local prices. 1060 is a 3 year old GPU, but can still handle games on FHD just fine.