First Build In 5 years


Feb 23, 2011
A recent storm took out my computer, and Im looking to rebuild but it has been a while, seeking some advice.

Case: NZXT PHAN-002GR Phantom Full-Tower Case

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1090T

Mobo: ASUS M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3 AM3 AMD 880G (or a suggestion this is where I start second guessing myself)

GPU: HD Radeon 5770 (possible dual card havent decided yet)

Ram: G.Skill Ripjaws Series 8gb DDr3 ram 240-pin x2

HDD: 1T Sata Drive salvage from current

Power Supply: Havent decided probably just a 750W

Grand total depending on where I get parts is about 600$ I want something that will stand the test of time so to speak, well atleast as much as a computer ever does.


Sep 30, 2009
What do you intend this build to be for? The six cores will probably only matter when it comes to media encoding but Intel really has AMD beat still at this stage. The cores won't matter in gaming and I'm pretty sure overall Sandy Bridge and previous generation core i3/5/7 are better. If you intend to stick with AMD, I would get something like this:

Phenom II x2 555 [$88] to unlock or Phenom ii x4 955 [$120]
AM3+ motherboard [$100-120]
4gb RAM [$35]
HD 5770/GTX 460/HD 6850/HD 6870 [$100-160]
650W power supply from XFX/Antec/Corsair/Seasonic [$50-80]
Case of Choice

If this is for gaming, you will get more out of Sandy Bridge
i3-2100 [$125]
H61/H67 motherboard [$75]
4gb RAM [$35]
Rest into gpu [preferably HD 6850 and higher]
550W PSU [$50-70]
Case of Choice


Feb 23, 2011
Computer used for gaming, I dont think Id call myself a hardcore gamer. Nothing more intense then call of duty of battlefield etc. I also use the computer for some animation and graphic design work, rendering etc (i.e cinema 4d and 3d studio). I'm not a die hard AMD user, just found performance in the past to be better, but have not toyed with the new sec gen intels either soooo that being said im not completely stuck to an amd


Your list looks pretty good for your intended use. You might find the Gigabyte mobos more reliable than the Asus. Make sure the PSU is a quality one of 650W or more. Buy a UPS so that a storm and poor grid power doesn't take the new PC out...


Feb 23, 2011
Lol fair enough, I had a surge protector going to it but I can only surmize that was faulty. Im trying to find some workable arrangement, funds arent intially available like I thought, but thanks for the info guys
What is your available funding?

A basic gamer that wants to also do Animation and Graphic design? $600 for an i5-2400 and GTX460 build will see you through as a basic build. $850 for the same build with win 7, Keyboard, mouse, Speakers, and a 1920x1080 monitor.



Feb 23, 2011
Ya but see I dont need all the extras, I just need a new Mobo and Processor...and technically my old am2 socket processor still works but if im upgrading the board i figure i might as well upgrade the processor. The only reason for the case is becuase my current case uses a micro atx and eventually when the money is there im gonna go to dual vid cards and most micros ive seen dont offer this option.

On another note, Ive been comparing intel and amd processors and honestly, I dont see that much of a difference, why or should i say wat makes the intels so much better


Feb 23, 2011
What about overclocking...its not something I do often, but when its still a nice option to have, and I thought intels couldnt be overclocked..without buying the stupidly expensive k series?