Shame on you Microsoft !!! You've truly destroyed another franchise with the release of another sub-par product, that you feel will generate a higher revenue stream than the award winning Flight Simulator marked.
In my opinion, you've committed another huge mistake. First, you've strategically dismantled a core group of talented Sim developers (the Aces Team) which had brought the FlightSim community a top notch flight simulator worth of incredible growth potential and becoming a formidable product among Flight Sim competitors. In its place, you've decided on a business model that would earn more by changing the way a consumer buys your product - a concept which you've once again stolen from your competitors, who by the way are more business-savvy and smarter enough to make it work for them.
Next, you've stumbled, fumbled and crashed during your embarrassing 3+ year development cycle of Flight. This latent release is proof that you truly don't know what your doing and have lost your vision, as you have with your operating systems, grasp of new technologies, and your never ending downward spiral business decisions as a software developer.
Flight is a step backward and is proof that Microsoft, once again, by letting down its customer base, with the release of a amateur-level product, and a back stab move on its once-loyal flight simulator enthusiasts, is dwindling to a third-rate software company.
Long Live Laminar Research!!!!