Question FPS drops for 1-2 sec and fan stops while gaming ?

Jan 14, 2024

Since a few days, my gaming laptop suffer from fps drop and fan stops while gaming. I explain:

First, my laptop is 3 years old, it has an RTX 2060, a Ryzen 7 4800h, 16GB RAM and an SSD.

During the last month I've been playing Ghost Recon: Breackpoint, it was working well with the graphic setting I was using (~70-80fps) and a few days ago it started to have huge fps drop for 1-2 sec then back to normal, and that every 5-15sec. Lowering the graphic settings didn't help with that.

When I play games, I have to plug in my laptop, otherwise the fps is locked at 30fps (at the most). Also I have a Fan boost mode, that can be activated ONLY when the laptop is plugged in.

When I activate the fan boost mode and play Ghost Recon: Breackpoint, the fan boost will occasionnaly stops for ~1sec, NOT AS OFTEN as fps drops, but ALWAYS AT THE SAME TIME as an fps drop. Since the fan boost can only be activated when the laptop is plugged in it made me think that the problem could come from the charger, also I noticed that sometimes, the little light (next to the the CAPS LOCK light) that shows that the computer is plugged in sometimes blink, and (I think) it's always at the same time as the fan boost mode stops working.


That ONLY happens when I'm actually playing the game, for exemple if I press ESC to go in the settings of the game (so when the game doesn't needs as much energy), there's no fps drop and the fan boost continually works. So it's like if my laptop isn't able to supply as much energy as it used to.

I haven't tried with other energyvore games, and I don't know if the components use energy from the battery or directly from the charger when the battery is at 100%.

Do you know with that description of the problem what component could be at fault? Do you need more information ?

Thank you!
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Where did you source the installers for your games?

Check and see if your laptop is pending a BIOS update. Following that, check to see if your OS is pending an update(assuming you're on Windows OS environment). Use DDU to remove all GPU drivers(Intel, AMD and Nvidia), then manually reinstall with the latest GPU driver sourced from Nvidia's support site in an elevated command, i.e, Right click installer>Run as Administrator.