Go through these links, it might help you figure out the exact cause for your Laptop's poor performance. The current temp values are definitely high, 90+c, so you need to check the Laptop for proper air flow.
Ensure you do not have dust in the laptop’s internal components as they could
block airflow and clog it due to its compact nature and leave no space for adequate cooling, which in turn causes overheating.
A cooling pad or even a chill mat could help you keep the overall temperature of the laptop down. Therefore, place a pad or mat below the laptop and use it. There are several causes for laptop's poor performance, it could also be an expired/improperly-applied thermal compound issue.
How to Fix Laptop Thermal Throttling: Use Thermal Paste, Enable Best Performance Mode, Modify Registry Editor. Perform Thermal Throttling Test
Hot PC components are thermally throttled and you miss out on potential performance. Here's how to make your CPU and GPU perform to their full potential.