FPS drops with good pc

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Jul 20, 2014
Hello eveyrone,

I have noticed this issue recently and i cannot find the cause. I have done so much and cannot find out why.

I will fully try to explain my probelm so please bare with me.

so basiclly, when i play in my favouirte server i cannot reach 333 fps in cod4 anymore.
But when i play offline (on the same maps) i can reach 333fps no problem.

I was able to hit 333 perfeclty fine, and now i cant anymore, so the question is why not?

i reinstalled windows, updated drivers all this and still the same problem.

for some reason i think its my CPU, and i really dont have the money for updgrades just yet with college starting soon.

I just dont understand why my slow performance in my game.
can anybody help me ?

I hope you can understand, thank you so much for any help.

**Now with cod4 333fps is vital for advanced jumps in maps on cod jumper etc.
so hitting 333 stable, is needed for playing.

my system:
AMD FX-3650
GTX 660


Hi sydneyblue203

thank for for trying to help.

here is a screenshot from the cpu temps. Is this any good?



is that when its idling ?
Are you monitoring temps ? My old phenom 2 965 would loss performance when the cpu would get hot not even thermal throttling.

Hi sydneyblue203

thank for for trying to help.

here is a screenshot from the cpu temps. Is this any good?



Hi sydneyblue203

thank for for trying to help.

here is a screenshot from the cpu temps. Is this any good?



is that when its idling ?
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