FPS for Gaming with Radeon HD 7770


Jun 1, 2015
I recently upgraded from 4850 to a HD 7770. Thinking that it would be a noticeable improvement. There is NO improvement / and or maybe worse in some instances. Now I am not a graphics card guru, but is the 7770 better than the 4850? For instance - in DayZ the 4850 FPS (way dumbed down graphics) was between 14-17. WIth the new card....7770 same thing? I am getting 14 fps on Cities Skylines (again set with LOW graphics). I am at a loss. I guess I made a mistake buying the HD 7770. Does anyone have any thoughts as to whether or not the 7770 is functioning properly.

Here are my Specs.

Intel core2 quad 9650 @ 3.00ghz
Ram: 8.2 GB
GPU: HD 7770
Read the tutorial I wrote and linked to above. At least the clean drivers section. Just having the latest drivers installed is often not sufficient. If there has been a previous driver version installed for a modern graphics card, more often than not there will be issues if a complete removal of all the related files, settings and registry entries is not first removed prior to the installation of the latest drivers. It's at least worth a shot. And be sure to always manually install new drivers versions. Do NOT use the automatic updating utilities for GPU drivers. It doesn't work in every case, but it works in a LOT of cases. Like this one...
Thanks Darkbreeze for getting back. I have installed all the latest driver, and better than that, I did a clean install of Windows 7 (64). There is practically nothing on my computer but windows, ccleaner, Dayz and Cities Skylines. I installed the HD 7770 about two weeks ago and received the updated drivers from the web. I think I am up to date. I just have a gut feel that this GPU should be performing better.
Read the tutorial I wrote and linked to above. At least the clean drivers section. Just having the latest drivers installed is often not sufficient. If there has been a previous driver version installed for a modern graphics card, more often than not there will be issues if a complete removal of all the related files, settings and registry entries is not first removed prior to the installation of the latest drivers. It's at least worth a shot. And be sure to always manually install new drivers versions. Do NOT use the automatic updating utilities for GPU drivers. It doesn't work in every case, but it works in a LOT of cases. Like this one:


You also need to take into account the fact that you have a CPU from several generations back. CPU utilization on modern games can be a major concern when it comes to frame rates and other performance issues. Depending on what resolution you're currently gaming at, at what settings, you might also try increasing the in game quality settings to drive more load onto the GPU and allow the CPU time to process the stream.
I followed your advice. And I am happy to say that it did in fact help! I doubled my FPS in Cities Skyline, although My DayZ fps seems to be unchanged, or barely effected. I know they are vastly different types of games. Not sure what to do now. I also understand that my processor is getting older as I type this message. I am just trying to milk it for all that it is worth before investing into a new system. Any other advice you have for me will be appreciated. I will not doubt you again!
Thanks Guys! I wont sweat it any more. I appreciate your help and I am satisfied that I am getting all I can out of my system. Some day soon I have to part with some cash....but not today. You have bought me some time!
Well......The good news is that with your help I have basically doubled my FPS in Cities Skylines and Dayz (now getting 35-40 fps in DayZ). Bad news is both games are crashing after about 5 minutes. I assume the GPU is running hot. So I ran HWmonitor. Without load the GPU is at 69 C; under load (at time of last crash) it was 83 c (181 F). I am not sure if 83 c is too hot, but it has to be up toward the top range. I have dusted out the machine, and tomorrow I will verify the fans are working properly. If you have any other suggestions on cooling this mother down, I am all ears.
Ok ears, here goes.

What is your case model?

How many case fans are installed?

What is the intake/exhaust configuration of those fans?

What fan speed profile are you sitting on? (IE, standard, silent, performance, custom)

Are the case fans being controlled by via the BIOS, a fan controller or straight off the PSU using a 4 pin Molex?

Are all the installed case fans working?

Front and bottom fans should be intake. Rear and top fans should be exhaust, unless you have a liquid cooler and have top mounted the radiator and are using those fans in an intake configuration.

Are the GPU fans operating?

Have you made any adjustments to the GPU fans using a utility like Trixx, Afterburning, GPU tweak, etc? If not, you might want to do so. I'd recommend setting them at their default profile for the time being, OR, increase them somewhat.

Until you resolve the issue I'd recommend you take the case side panel off to allow a bit more cool air into the case.
False alarm. The fan power cord was somehow disconnected from the card. I took it apart, WD-40'd the fan PLUGGEND THE FAN INTO THE CARD...and the fan is spinning like crazy and now the card is running 67 c under load. Sorry to waste your time. Thanks for your help.

Until next time....JOVLORD signing out!
Glad to hear it. Still, case cooling plays a large role in cooling the GPU so if you have empty case fan locations you might consider filling them which should help to further reduce your full load temps and possibly even allow for some overclocking, or further overclocking, either way. Just a though. Good luck JOVLORD.