Fps jumping around..and image fastforward


Sep 15, 2015
Hi, I'm new here so don't take me hard please..
Since i bought my new pc ..
GPU: GTX 950 Gygabite OC edition
CPU: FX 6300 black edition
MOBO: Asrock 980de3/u3s3
RAM: Hyper X Black 1600 Mhz
HDD: 1 TB blue 7200 RPM 64 mb cache (i think..)
Case: i dont know :)) but i have 2 vents on it (one in back, one in front)
So.. Now to my problem, every time i turn on my pc i experience a strange fps on every game and benchmarks.. Fps goes like crazy, from 20' to 100' and the image is going fastforward( like 4x times in movies)
I have oc'ed my gpu with 200 mhz on core and 700 mhz on memory, never exced 77 degrees, my cpu as well to 4 ghz never exceed 75 degrees ( all in celsius).
To fix temporaly the problem i have to run a game for 20 sec with oc and restart the pc to fix it, but the next day i have to retake the procedure, even 2 restarts in some days..
Please i need help, im depressed because it's my first build.
Oh ,and my monitor is a Philips 196v with a screen resolution 1366x768 , 60 hertz..

You're CPU is throttling I'm certain of it. AMD FX cpu's *throttle at 65 degrees* so fact you're getting it up to 75...

Take off the OC from the cpu and try again. Sounds like you'll need to look at you're cpu cooling. I personally run an FX 8320 and used a closed loop liquid cooler to keep the thing stable under load. Sadly the FX range doesn't have the thermal headroom the older Phenom II cpu's did (those things could run north of 80 degrees without issue).
I ran it wthout oc too, 60 degrees with the cooler at 6500 rpm, the same thing.
But what about old games like dishonored.
Gpu at 40 degrees, cpu at 45.. While gaming for 3 hours..
What's the explanaiton for that fast forward image and the fps going crazy?

That is strange. Maybe the 65 degree limit is only on the 8 core fx? I know mine throttles to 1.4ghz from 3.5 the second it hits 65 which was causing games to run smooth, stutter for about a minute (whilst cpu was stuch at 1.4 ghz) and then smooth again once it boosted back up.

That 'fast forward' effect is odd though. Out of interest have you tested same game with V-sync turned on?

It could be (worth running some virus scans maybe)...

Also might be worth checking it isn't some background process messing things up. To test that might be worth performing a clean boot and test again (instructions if your unfamiliar with this: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929135)...

Thanks for the advice, i will try everything and i will tell you if works tomorrow. Thanks for the help :)

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