Question Fractal Design Define 7 XL loud humming problem driving me crazy


Mar 30, 2016
Pre - build PC with a Fractal Design Define 7 XL, 3 Fractal dynamic X2 GP - 14 case fans(2 front, 1 back)and ROG Strix B760 - F Gaming Wifi Motherboard. RTX 4080, Palit Gaming Pro and i7 - 13700K.

I'm having a random resonating humming sound coming from my PC on constant intervals(it lasts for about 10 to 30 seconds, then goes away completely, then comes back again. The humming lasts longer when under load, but the time between the intervals stays about the same although there is a "sweet spot" on idle where it is the worst, screenshots below)even when idling, but it gets a lot worse when under load. It so loud I can hear it through the case and through my headset and it's starting to piss me off. It suddenly began a few days ago. This build is only about 4 months old.

I suspected it was a dud case fan or it's because all of the case fans are spinning at same speeds(can this be a cause for resonating sound? I read it from the internet so you can tell me if it's true or false). Also the humming is affected if I remove the left side panel from my case, it makes it more quiet(the panel is resonating somehow(?), but keep in mind: it didn't do this in the beginning)

After I spent the whole day testing and troubleshooting here is the result:

- Unplugged everything from the Fractal Hub and plugged all the fans to Mobo: Didn't remove the humming, but now the chassis fans are visible in BIOS, they were N/A while connected to the fan hub
- Tried to look if any wires or cables are touching fans or are resonating somewhere, didn't find any of that
- Tried to put my heavy case to another location in my room(maybe the floor is crooked?)but it didn't work
- Tried to see if the CPU fan and all the Chassis fans are loose from the chassis: They are all firmly secured- Downloaded Fan Control software and went through every fan separately(Chassis, CPU, GPU)starting from 30% speed all to way to maximum with 10% segments: No humming sound.
- Put every Chassis fan to max speed and increasing CPU fan speed from 30% to max with 10% segments: No humming sound

- Started a game to put some load to the PC and then the humming started again after couple minutes, I went to check the Fan Control speeds and took a screenshot. The low humming sound is present during these 2 scenarios(give or take a few RPM): View:
and View:
It's worse on the second picture settings and comes in waves like usual. I honestly don't know what causes this. It's not just your typical fan spinning sound, for an analogy: it's like a car approaching from a distance and gets more and more louder and then the car passes by and goes more silent when it gains more distance from you and it comes with an almost fixed interval. It's so loud on the apex of the hum that it overpowers every other fan spinning sound coming from the case. Maybe it has something to do with the CPU fan and the back chassis fan spinning at same speeds for a moment(?).

Thanks for any assistance!
You might to take a sheet of A4 paper, roll it into a cylinder. Hold one end to your ear while the other end is used to probe for the source of the hum you speak of. Once you've located the source, we can move forward with the diagnosis/steps.
You might to take a sheet of A4 paper, roll it into a cylinder. Hold one end to your ear while the other end is used to probe for the source of the hum you speak of. Once you've located the source, we can move forward with the diagnosis/steps.

Okay I will try to pinpoint the source to the best of my ability. Let's see if I can do it.
There is one fan you haven't discussed: the power supply's fan. Perhaps you could check to see if it begins buzzing when more power is required.
I don't think Fan Control software can get any readings from PSU so you are saying that I need to just listen if I can hear anything wrong with it by ear?
You might to take a sheet of A4 paper, roll it into a cylinder. Hold one end to your ear while the other end is used to probe for the source of the hum you speak of. Once you've located the source, we can move forward with the diagnosis/steps.
I tried to pinpoint the sound but it is very hard. It's coming from the back of the case, but I'm not 100% sure if it's the back case fan or the PSU that is keeping the noise.
After probing with the paper tube, the PSU fan is much louder and coarse than my previous build, but it doesn't keep the humming. I think it'd the back case fan, but it doesn't do it when it's spinning alone. It's only when under load. I think I'm just gonna replace it and see what happens. Maybe the bearings are bad, idk.

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