So I recently upgraded to a 3800x and a 2070 super, everything works fine in the beginning, but recently, I had issues with frames dropping. When I first installed my new parts I was getting about 150 fps on madden 20 with everything on ultra, well mostly everything and on Modern Warfare I was getting about the same with ultra settings. But recently, I've experience the fps doing to like 70-80 on Madden 20 and around 90 on Modern Warfare. At first I thought it was because I left my PC on, but that wasn't the issue because when I first built my PC there were times where i left it on and it worked fine. I tried restarting my computer sometimes, it brings the FPS back up to 150, but other times after a restart it stays the same. I've ran the same userbenchmarks after the fps drops happened, but it says everything is running fine. When I am getting 150 fps in both games, i am not experience any frame drops, but it only happens after awhile it's very inconsistent, which is weird. I also tried changing my NVIDIA control panel settings, it fixed it, but after a while when I hop back on to play, the FPS drops again. I've checked the temps on my CPU and GPU and everything seems to be normal. I do have to mention that I did reinstall my drivers through device management before this whole thing started to happen because I read somewhere that when you change GPUs, you should reinstall the GPU drivers as a whole. I think the issue came from after I reinstalled the drivers, but once again I am not too sure. As far as settings go, I've kept the same settings on both games the way it was since when I first started playing the games. This is a link for you guys to look at my build and the benchmarks that I got recently.