Frame lag in only Fortnite


Apr 14, 2017
I have a gtx 1070 with a 7600k and can run every game with great frames but for some reason Fortnite will be running anywhere between 120-200fps and then just freeze for about half a second. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling my drivers, uninstalling and reinstalling fornite and epic, and i have uninstalled everything i dont use on my pc incase something was causing it but nothing works. Any help would be appreciated.

this has nothing to do with your hardware or antivirus. its the wifi. If you see in the settings the region you are playing. You can see the ms lag that is ther. 1-50 ms lag is normal. but the stuttering happens at 100+ ms
I am the only one is the house that has this problem though. Every time it happens my ping is around 20-30. And I feel like if it was a wifi problem I would have the same issues in other games.
So after trying everything I could think of I fixed the problem by increasing my ingame settings. i had most on low before and when I maxed them out I no longer had any frame drops. I don't know why it worked but it did.