In case anyone hasnt heard France is engaged in a little bit of a conflict in Mali.
First I would like to welcome them to the club, its been a while since anyone else has tried their hand at curbing terrorism. Good luck.
Secondly while this might seem like a smooth quick response that will put down the uprising fairly quickly I would like to remind you Americans were on a three hour tour of sorts in the middle east.... A decade later and it looks the same.
At least this puts out some fires on Hollande for appearing weak, at least right now.
First I would like to welcome them to the club, its been a while since anyone else has tried their hand at curbing terrorism. Good luck.
Secondly while this might seem like a smooth quick response that will put down the uprising fairly quickly I would like to remind you Americans were on a three hour tour of sorts in the middle east.... A decade later and it looks the same.
At least this puts out some fires on Hollande for appearing weak, at least right now.