Freaking so mad at Bioware and not bcuz of Mass Effect!


Jun 18, 2011
What the hell is the deal with developers not fixing bugs completely for games! Dragon Age origins is one of my favorite games of all time, and I've gotten far in the game but never beat it, so I decided I wouldn't buy another game till I beat it. So i go onto dragon age nexus and look for a fix pack cuz i had heard of a few bugs in the game like +healing effects on armor not working at all, and I also wanted to find a mod that makes 2H more balanced with a speed mod, so I'm looking thru the fixes and it might as well be 3 pages, almost 30 bugs that are almost all with combat and even when you install the fixes theres the possibility of broken quests or abilites, now im pissed and dont even want to play the game knowing that I'll have to deal with bugs taking away from strategy, I mean COME ON is it really so hard to fix!!!!!!!! I'm sorry I'm raging.
Welcome to the world of low cost crap beeing sold as gold.
This happens in every part of the planet nowdays. Made in china was once a way of saying something is bad.
Nowdays its good, its mostly the companies that suck ass.
I simply stoped buying games, and i play old games. Im just one guy, but with time, there will be enought people not buying their games that the company will close its doors.

But this is quite good cus it makes small companies get better products, and in the end we get about 4-5 good games each year, and a ton of crapp.

Worst part is that great franchises like mass effect or dragon age die on the way 8(.

Ya i played it cuz I at one time thought it was balanced and fixed except for the +healing recieved, monetary gain buffs on equipment, I just didnt use that equipment, but there are more bugs than that.
There are no game stopping bugs. Most the game works well. I've played through it many times with many different characters, and never even noticed any bugs. Every software has some bugs, so I know it's not perfect, but unless you obsess about it, the game is very good and playable.

I had ran into a bug in the expansion. Make sure to occasionally make normal saves, and not rely solely on quick or auto saves.

THis is the fixpack I was talking about, alot of combat bugs.