www.inmatrix.com (maybe its .org or somthing)
they do "Zoom player" free media program
then www.doom9.org look for decoders, or filters "ffdshow filter" i would expect to do DVD as suposedly it decodes Mpeg2 format but i am not 100% certain on that, however if that doesn't work the website will surly have the right info.
also one more thing is AC3 filter for sound, this will give you 5.1 channel sound on DVD's if you ahev the gear, it will downmix to 2 channels if you only have 2 speakers. (settigns )
that will be available at sourceforge www.sourceforge.net do a search for AC3
hope that helps.
<A HREF="http://www.mud-puddle.co.nz" target="_new">http://www.mud-puddle.co.nz</A> its where its all going on, oh and its also all going on HERE <A HREF="http://doug.mud-puddle.co.nz/gallery/" target="_new">http://doug.mud-puddle.co.nz/gallery/</A>