Free Windows 10 Upgrade Ends 11:59 PM July 29 (Check Your Time Zone)

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This is for the Free Upgrade from 7/8/8.1 to 10.
Win 10 will continue to be sold, and come preinstalled on new machines.


Windows 10 with AU is even worse than actually what was released a year ago, absolute garbage.


Dec 9, 2002
Have W8.1 on all my personal PCs. All working fine. Company just installed W10 on my work computer. M$ has moved a ton of configuration options around, it's full of cortana/telemetry spyware, crapware and adware... it's unstable and it's very user unfriendly.
Haven't tried WS2016 yet. Hope it has the good stuff of W10 but not the bad stuff. If so, it'll be my next OS. If not... will stay with W8.1 for quite some time (or go Mac and/or Linux).


Cortaina in Windows 10 cannot be disabled unless you have Pro version and only way to do so is through Group Policy.
It appears that MS is still throwing those useless apps at us, without ability to uninstall many of them unless you mess up with power shell.
UI is incredibly ugly and unpractical, hurts my eyes no matter what you do with color and settings. I know it is a personal preference, but it is just horrible.
After you unpin all useless live tiles you are left with Start Menu which is a joke compared to Windows 7 start menu. It lacks functionality, browsing through apps is just horrible compared to awesome tree structure of Windows 7, lacks clarity. In other words a lot to desire for.
Overall, system is not that stable...shoots ton of event viewer error complaining about different things every time you reboot machine.
Horrible Windows Update, still no control over windows updates like in Windows 7.
Setting app is just horrible as well, unreliable and just as other useless apps can randomly crash for no reason.
After a year, makes me wonder wth MS even did in Windows 10? I guess emojis * cough.
Shutdown process is really slow, still not fixed since initial launch of Windows 10.
DX12 still sucks as there is really no mgpu support which renders gaming useless and so far really no performance gain compared to DX11 using single card.

Overall, has no a single compelling reasons to upgrade from Windows 7 which will stay on my system.


If you really want Windows 10, i would suggest to run Windows Server 2016...seriously.



No. It must be installed and activated before time runs out.

it doesn't matter if its a used,new, or existing or even a computer that has been just turned on after a few years. as long as it has a valid version of windows 7 or 8.1 on it then its qualified for the upgrade



Nov 2, 2012
I swapped out my harddrive for a blank one, did the install/activate, and swapped my main drive back. I'll deal with 10 when I have to.

Oh - and I used a registry edit to mark my win10 ethernet connection as "metered" which prevents Windows Update from using it without permission. It's still not selective control of updates, but I can at least force it to let me to say when.


Dec 9, 2002

Isn't it nice that you have to manually edit the registry so that you can actually have control over when Windows should look for updates?

Now the only thing needed is to regain control over what updates you want the OS to install.



May 10, 2016
I've been installing old (licensed) copies of windows 7 on all my mobo/laptops and doing the upgrade. The digital entitlement stays even if you go back to 7 or 8 (or linux/MacOS) for a while and then install 10 later. The hardware fingerprint will activate it with no key from the free download/usb installer as long as the upgrade has taken place before tonight.



The current update method is in reaction to the last 15 years of letting people blow them off, ignore, or just not know to do it.
Resulting in large botnets.

Just yesterday, there was a member here whose grannie took her Win 7 PC to a shop for repair/reinstall/something like that. The 'tech' purposely turned off all updates, and borked up the admin account.
So, without a cluefull grandson, that PC would simply be part of another botnet.

On or off. Automatic, or User choose.
Damned if they do, damned if they don't.


Nov 2, 2012

I do understand, really. And I'll fully support them in that once they have a track record of forced updates are only ever security updates. I do like it that 10 has a separate setting for new "features" ("Defer Upgrades" for a few months). That makes it less likely that a bad update will bork your system. But only if you are Pro or Enterprise; screw the little Home guy.

What I really want is the Red Hat vs Fedora model. You get to pick whether you want cutting edge (Fedora) or stability (RH). Stable versions only ever receive bugfixes and security updates, and are supported for 10 years. You can't have that with Windows. MS is going to mess with whatever they feel like, whenever.


Jan 29, 2012
No more annoying popups or people complaining windows 10 broke their computer. Good news. People always want me to fix their computer problems and I'm not interested in fixing computers anymore. Windows 7 is stable and causes me no problems. DX12 is not relevant yet so there is very little reason to upgrade. When my computers work flawlessly 99% of the time there is no reason I want to upgrade.
Just finished a fresh install of Windows 10 on my primary PC today, I had upgraded from 7 to 10 about 2 weeks ago but the Windows 7 install was 6 years running and going to 10 made the computer sluggish. The fresh install solved several issues I was having and the speed has improved greatly. Yes the shutdown is a bit longer than Windows 7, but that is the price you pay for a much faster startup.

My only gripes with Windows 10 is the tiles on the menu, But they are easily removed and the menu can be changed to show what I want it to. The other thing I don't care for is the "Settings" area, they divided things up a lot and IMO, some things should be combined for ease of use (i.e. Personalization, Accounts, and Time & Language could be combined easily).

For those that don't like anything about the Start menu, I suggest getting Start10 and you can turn it into what essentially is a Windows 7 menu with customization's. I'm running it on my laptop with what they call "Modern UI" because the Windows 10 Start menu is clunky on the screen and it looks cleaner.


Jul 19, 2016
this upgrade-service was the best thing I have ever seen coming from Micropsoft.
it actually made me use 2 older computers due to the upgrade, they seem to be better than before and the best with that is the readiness that win10 is having!


Nov 23, 2008
Oh no! I didn't get the free Windows10 on my 4 PCs!

Oh well. Actually, one of them has Linux Mint on it - thanks to MS releasing garbage OSes since Win7.

Eventually, all my PCs will be Linux and I won't have to worry about paying fees to MS to use their OS, which they can do whenever they want and already WILL be doing for Enterprise versions.

W10 is an ugly, non-productive product. LinuxMint was easily a much more user-friendly experience. Also, it installed without problems on my 8 year old notebook.

With the FREE Windows 10, doe this mean that MS updates will work again and that Microsoft will stop bothering us to upgrade?

Can Microsoft be sued for releasing malware upgrades?



A license for Server 2016 will be significantly more expensive than a regular Win 10 license, Home or Pro.
For instance, Server 2012 Essentials is $500. Server 2016 will be similar.
Contrast that with ~$100 for 8.1 or Win 10.
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