Question Freezes and graphical issues with RTX 3080 ?

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May 9, 2024

I've had my 3080 (MSI 10G) for 3 years and a half now. It has been working well up until a few months ago, when the graphic pilot would sometimes reset (my 2 screens turning black, then back on again, but without the "Night light" filter, or with), especially when alt-tabbing from one screen to the other, or when exiting a game for example. Sometimes, I would even get squared artifacts on the screen.

Now, the problem has worsened, because on multiple games, my computer can freeze when exiting said game. I sometimes get the control back after 10 or so seconds, but sometimes it forces me to reboot the system. On other games, like The Finals, it often happens when loading a map. If I'm lucky and the PC doesn't reboot by itself after the freeze, I can sometimes get a message like "out of video memory" (once, I got DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) and the game crashed. Most of the time though, I'm forced to reboot.

Please note that during gameplay, there is absolutely no issue whatsoever, no frame drops, no crashes, no freezes. It only happens during "changes of state", like loading, exiting, or alt-tabbing to a different screen for example.

I've already checked my RAM with MemTest and got no issue. I've also tried to reset Windows today, with no improvement (with all the drivers).
Of course, my main suspicion is the 3080, but since a new graphics card costs around 1000€, I'd like to make sure the problem actually comes from this, not to find myself with a new graphics card and the same problem. 🙁

Thanks a lot in advance !

GeForce RTX™ 3080 GAMING X TRIO 10G
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12600K 3.69 GHz
32.0 GB RAM
seasonic PX 750
Windows 11
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True, I completely forgot about the specs !

GeForce RTX™ 3080 GAMING X TRIO 10G
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12600K 3.69 GHz
32.0 GB RAM
Windows 11

I have tried to monitor the temps (nothing abnormal, everything around 80°), but not the system usage, I will try this now, thank you.
True, I completely forgot about the specs !

GeForce RTX™ 3080 GAMING X TRIO 10G
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12600K 3.69 GHz
32.0 GB RAM
Windows 11

I have tried to monitor the temps (nothing abnormal, everything around 80°), but not the system usage, I will try this now, thank you.
What about the PSU and Motherboard?
Hmmm, just by being in The Finals menu, my CPU usage is 2%, GPU is around 95%, VRAM 35%, RAM 41%.
I guess the GPU usage is way too high compared to the CPU ?
Hmmm, just by being in The Finals menu, my CPU usage is 2%, GPU is around 95%, VRAM 35%, RAM 41%.
I guess the GPU usage is way too high compared to the CPU ?
Seems pretty normal to me, most games run at 90%+ GPU usage.

I'm wondering if your drives are an issue. Is your system on an HDD or an SSD? You said you experience most of your issues when you're loading in or exiting the game, so one of your drives might be failing.

I would suggest checking the health of all your drives with a software like Hard Disk Sentinel.
Alright, I will give it a shot. Thanks !

Just crashed 5 seconds ago during loading, got a UE5 crash report :

LowLevelFatalError [File:.\Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/D3D12Util.cpp] [Line: 950]
TempTexture2D->GetResource()->Map(0, &Range, &pData) failed
at .\Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/D3D12RenderTarget.cpp:1570


Alright, I will give it a shot. Thanks !

Just crashed 5 seconds ago during loading, got a UE5 crash report :

LowLevelFatalError [File:.\Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/D3D12Util.cpp] [Line: 950]
TempTexture2D->GetResource()->Map(0, &Range, &pData) failed
at .\Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/D3D12RenderTarget.cpp:1570


Do these crashes happen in any other game besides THE FINALS? Seems like this might be an issue with the game, maybe try forcing it to use DX11 (-dx11 in launch options if you're on Steam), but other than that, I'm not sure.
Can you please run userbenchmark ( and share the full link to the results , so members can have a full view of your sytstem.

From what you shared so far I'm guessing this could be either a vram issue (maybe high temp) or a software issue, most likely related to nvidia driver. But Im not 100% sure yet.

Do you use any streaming software?, and Did this issue started after a gpu driver update by any chance?
Here's the benchmark. I do not use streaming software, however I often have the "Instant Replay" activated for Geforce Experience (which records the last 5 minutes constantly, but I've been using it for many years now). I don't recall any specific change that led to the apparition of the issue.
Throughout the past 3 1/2 years, I've had some issues with rectangle artifacts appearing on the screen after a black screen/graphic driver reboot, once in a while here and there, but nothing critical.

As for the SSD temp, it was a few minutes after the crash. Currently, the temp while idle is 37° for disk C:
mmm... its very strange that if your storage system works fine, userbenchmark could not be complete. You should remove the USB drive for running the test. In fact, Do you ususally have that WD passport USB drive connected all the time to your PC?

As for the SSD temp altough it should be a huge problem to run that hot, is not good either. I think that sanddisk have a plastic case, perhaps you could find a more ventilated place to put it? For example, I have seen people who sandwich the sata ssd between two harddrives.

Anyways, back to main topic, since you have wrote now: "Throughout the past 3 1/2 years, I've had some issues with rectangle artifacts appearing on the screen after a black screen/graphic driver reboot, once in a while here and there, but nothing critical." ... Im now more inclined to some issue with your GPU/VRAM/TEMPs/strange software incompatibility.

In fact if you detected this issues back when the GPU was new, Why didn't you asked for a replacement?

(Knock on wood, knonck on wood, knock on wood), I have had my RTX 2070 for way longer than you and I have never had artifacts issues. (knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood).
When I first got the 3080, I had an insufficient CPU (that ppl told me would be enough to play games with), that turned out not to be fully compatible with my graphics card. So, 9 months later, I changed it for the one I have now, along with the motherboard. Since the artifacts were uncommon (perhaps, once every month ?), it didn't strike as a critical thing, and more like a "temporary issue", since it would only affect my desktop.

I've tried to run the basic 3DMark benchmark, but I went away 4m, and when I came back I noticed the app was black, and my screen had night light turned off (which basically means there was a driver reset which crashed the benchmark), so I'll start again later today. I'm not sure if I can get some data if the benchmark crashes everytime.

As for the SSD placement, I think it's on the back of the motherboard, by itself, but I'll check for this later as well. Thanks !
When I first got the 3080, I had an insufficient CPU (that ppl told me would be enough to play games with), that turned out not to be fully compatible with my graphics card. So, 9 months later, I changed it for the one I have now, along with the motherboard. Since the artifacts were uncommon (perhaps, once every month ?), it didn't strike as a critical thing, and more like a "temporary issue", since it would only affect my desktop.

I've tried to run the basic 3DMark benchmark, but I went away 4m, and when I came back I noticed the app was black, and my screen had night light turned off (which basically means there was a driver reset which crashed the benchmark), so I'll start again later today. I'm not sure if I can get some data if the benchmark crashes everytime.

As for the SSD placement, I think it's on the back of the motherboard, by itself, but I'll check for this later as well. Thanks !

Well if 3DMark crashed then the issue should be GPU related, either hardware or software.

Have you monitored the GPU temps while runing 3DMark?, you can either do this with hwinfo64 portable ("sensors-only" option), or with GPUz.


I prefer hwinfo because it allows me to monitor everything cpu, gpu, hdd, sdd, motherboard, etc. Remember to not use more than monitoring software at the same time.

Do you have enough airflow inside your PC case to remove the hot air out?, Do you remember the brand and model of it?, How many fans do you have inside, and Are they intake or exhaust fans?

These are the graphs from the test.

I recorded my screen(s) to show what happened (issue at 20s) :

I have one built-in fan in front of my computer case, one for the CPU, 3 built-in for the GPU, and one for the back of the case. I'd say they're both exhaust, so I guess I should turn one around ?
79c GPU temp doesn't seem like an issue to me. Have you checked GPU memory temps with a software like GPU-Z or HWiNFO?

These are the graphs from the test.

I recorded my screen(s) to show what happened (issue at 20s) :

I have one built-in fan in front of my computer case, one for the CPU, 3 built-in for the GPU, and one for the back of the case. I'd say they're both exhaust, so I guess I should turn one around ?

I'm sorry but I could not understand the fan setup, maybe if you take a small video clip of the inside of your case.
I mean from what I could grasp you seem to have only 1 x fan at the front of your case and 1 x at the back of it. If this fans are weak, set in the wrong direction, or blocked by a crystal panel, then they are good for nothing.

From the video clip you shared, Are the GPU fans blocked/limited at top 80% of the maximum speed?, Have you tried to run 3DMark with fans going all 100%?

Also have you tried running 3DMark with the side panel off the case. Just remove it and leave it out in a safe place of the room to test?
I was recently using MSI Afterburner to force the 3080 fans to run at 80%, because I used to have an issue where fans would be off until the card was already hot (so I'd rather have them running full time 80%). I'll try 3D Mark with the 100%fans, while using HWinfo.
TBH my side panel is already off, and it's often the case ;x

I'll send the video as well.
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