[SOLVED] front panel connectors for Asus ROG Maximus XI Hero (wi-fi)

Sep 27, 2018
so here is the user manual for this board
scroll down to page 1-21 where the top of the page says
11. System panel connectors (10-1 pin F_PANEL; 4-pin SPEAKER)
as that's where the section on front panel connectors start
so according to the diagram to the right of the mobo, it doesn't specify the polarity of any of the pins unlike other mobo f-panel connectors manuals such as the z-370 e
scroll down to page 1-17
in other words, there is no way of knowing which ways the front panel connectors go in for the maximus xi hero. Also, side question, even if I knew the polarity on the pins, how would I know the polarity on the actual connectors? Say for example how would I know which pin on a power led is positive? Many cases seem to just have black connectors with only labels such as PLED on them, no indication of positive or ground wire. Anyways yea jist of the question is I just want to know which way do my front panel connectors go in on the maximus xi hero mobo. I am using the corsair crystal 570x rgb case btw
Actually , its called 9 pins Asus F_Panel
The same for all asus boards with 9 pins:

how will i even trigger the LEDs? I heard that in order for HD LEDs to even light on some specific action has to be done to the hard drive

no i meant that even if the connectors are connected properly, the LEDs won't be lit ALL THE TIME, and I DON'T KNOW WHEN they are supposed to light up. the HD LED for instance, it is ONLY supposed to light up when a CERTAIN ACTION has been performed to the HARD DRIVE and I DON'T KNOW what the action is so there is NO WAY to test if the LED is correctly connected say for example. I connected the HD LED and it doesn't light up, now did i connect it WRONG, OR I connected it properly BUT that ACTION has not been performed to the hard drive so it's not lighting up??? It's really hard to test whether or not u connected them properly because I don't even know when the LEDs are supposed to light up. Also what about the power switches and reset switches?

ehh i still just want some concrete solution as to a definite way that connectors must go in. The trial and test thing ill do as a last resort. Just wanna connect them right the first time. Plus I'm kinda pissed that Asus didn't even bother to mention pin polarity for a Maximus Board

you sure ALL asus boards with a 9 pin f_panel configuration have the same polarity? I mean there are A LOT of asus boards