fs2002 ils runway assignments



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.games.zone.simulation (More info?)

On fs2002 when on ils approaches and takeoffs, are the runway assignments
fixed or can I change the direction of takeoffs and landings? For example,
the simulator seems to always assign runway 9, and yet in real life the atc
assigns runway 27, since the wind is almost always from the west.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.games.zone.simulation (More info?)

>On fs2002 when on ils approaches and takeoffs, are the runway assignments
>fixed or can I change the direction of takeoffs and landings? For example,
>the simulator seems to always assign runway 9, and yet in real life the atc
>assigns runway 27, since the wind is almost always from the west.

Either load weather or set the wind to take of from runway 9, what
airport are we talking about?

Katy P.
MS_MVP for Flight Simulator

Visit Project Magenta!
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.games.zone.simulation (More info?)

The airports are in the San Diego County area of southern CA, where the wind
in reality is always from the west. But fs2002 ATC always directs me to take
off on runway 9.

"Katy Pluta (MS_MVP)" wrote:

> >On fs2002 when on ils approaches and takeoffs, are the runway assignments
> >fixed or can I change the direction of takeoffs and landings? For example,
> >the simulator seems to always assign runway 9, and yet in real life the atc
> >assigns runway 27, since the wind is almost always from the west.
> Either load weather or set the wind to take of from runway 9, what
> airport are we talking about?
> ===
> Katy P.
> MS_MVP for Flight Simulator
> Visit Project Magenta!
> http://www.promagenta.com
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.games.zone.simulation (More info?)

>The airports are in the San Diego County area of southern CA, where the wind
>in reality is always from the west. But fs2002 ATC always directs me to take
>off on runway 9.

I do not remember the limitations of ATC in FS2002 but you could get
the AFCAD program available for download from avsim.com and modify the
airports runway assignments...

Katy P.
MS_MVP for Flight Simulator

Visit Project Magenta!