FSMMM - Canadian charts?



Archived from groups: alt.games.microsoft.flight-sim (More info?)

Does anyone know of a source for Canadian sectional charts (VNCs) for
use with Rana's Moving Map utility? Thanks.

Archived from groups: alt.games.microsoft.flight-sim (More info?)

No, I don't, Chris, but I'm glad you asked here. Your question will get lots
of eyeballs!

I'm looking for the same. I even e-mailed Nav Canada to plead for bitmap
versions of their VNC's, but no answer.


It's as if Nav Canada has never heard of using charts on a computer! They'll
be glad to tell you where to buy a paper version, though :-(

For flying Canada South of the 49th Parallel, the US Sectionals from Matt
Fox are great. But West of 85 degrees longitude, Canada is North of 49

A second best to VNCs, are topo charts free from

I use the 1:250,000 NTDB charts in their native .gif format. They are
exactly 1 degree high and 2 degrees wide, so they are easy to calibrate in

But let's hope SOMEBODY has some real VNC's to share! Or is there a kind
soul out there that could/would scan and stitch paper maps into bitmaps for
us? 🙂

- Jeff Schallenberg
Saint Lambert, Québec
Archived from groups: alt.games.microsoft.flight-sim (More info?)

Even if you aren't on the VATSIM network, the regional VATSIM websites
are an excellent resource. Two things to try:

1. VATCAN (= VATSIM Canada) is divided into eight FIRs
http://bathursted.ccnb.nb.ca/vatcan/vatcan.html See what's available on
each of the websites. I wouldn't hold my breath, though, for VFR
charts: you'll probably find instrument procedure charts, airpspace
diagrams, and airport diagrams.

2. You might get better results if you post a query in the VATCAN forum

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