Question fullscreen optimization


Oct 29, 2020
i just got a new pc Windows 10 laptop and games are capped at 60 fps. after going through everything i found out the problem was fullscreen optimization. i remember having the same issue with my old pc but i was able to fix it without disabling fullscreen optimization (which would mess with overlays, screenshots etc). does anyone know what the solution is?

vsync off
xbox dvr off
tried turning game mode off
tried some registry stuff
tried editing nvidia settings as well
Did some tests, with optimization on, FPS is fine UNTIL I tab out. Then it caps at 60, Altho sometimes it reverts to uncapped, haven’t figured out why. When optimization is OFF I can’t screenshot or see volume controls (turns up a black image). But FPS is fine.
Also tried running in borderless windowed (basically what optimization forces it to do) and still FPS cap, with or without full screen optimization enabled.