3 weeks ago Futureshop ran a web sale for the LG 40x12x40 cdr that had a discount, and 2 rebates. The $174 drive can be bought at a price of $70, $75, and $85 around the region, undiscounted. So when Futureshop boldly displayed that with the discount and 2 rebates applied the drive would end up costing you "$0.01", (that's right one cent), it made sense to have a 'lost leader' sale to grab people's attention. Afterall you still have to pay about 15% of the cost in taxes (PST & GST) and then wait months and months for the rebate. So they'd be making money anyway and probably hook people with a card application as well plus the unsolicited e-mail, etc etc etc, yad, yada, yada.
After all a company worth its salt will realize that they are addressing the public and be responsible enough to ensure content correctly, no? I mean I'd personally check something 3 or 4 times before i posted it, and to have paid professionals doing the jobs of web content and administration, and be a commercial entity responsible for administration and have designed controls, checks and balances for the processes, and also realize that the name of the game is customer service, good will and good PR, why would they lead us on like that?
Hah! Suspecting that it could be a error, (But how could it be?... it's published to the world out there on the web in front of God and everything), I ordered 2 (me and my girlfriend) because the realtime inventory was rapidly declining and, GET THIS, when I called the Futureshop Information Center, they couldn't confirm or deny the correctness. Sort of suspicious, eh?
This is a really great way to run a company.
As it turns out, it's a lot of work to return the purchases and they were shipping them within 2 hours of receiving the order. Not only that, if you kept them, believing that you'd get the rebate or refund, you'd only find out after several months that you still had to pay more than the going market for the drive and the 30 day refundable clause would expire.
I suspect this was all more than a little mistake. They'd probably turn around and offer you some cheap piece of garbage that they had sitting around in the warehouse if you squaked too loud about the whole thing.
What really turned my crank was the 3 separate promises, that the Information Center gave me, that Head Office in Vancouver would call me that very same day.
Bottom line: they stand behind their policy of "we reserve the right to refuse.. in the case of an error..." la dee da dee da
What charlatans!!!! and Poodlefakers
In my area, the only reason you'd ever think of going to Futureshop is they have a lot of stuff in 1 place, never for the value or technical expertise.
Future Shop? Mite Be!!
After all a company worth its salt will realize that they are addressing the public and be responsible enough to ensure content correctly, no? I mean I'd personally check something 3 or 4 times before i posted it, and to have paid professionals doing the jobs of web content and administration, and be a commercial entity responsible for administration and have designed controls, checks and balances for the processes, and also realize that the name of the game is customer service, good will and good PR, why would they lead us on like that?
Hah! Suspecting that it could be a error, (But how could it be?... it's published to the world out there on the web in front of God and everything), I ordered 2 (me and my girlfriend) because the realtime inventory was rapidly declining and, GET THIS, when I called the Futureshop Information Center, they couldn't confirm or deny the correctness. Sort of suspicious, eh?
This is a really great way to run a company.
As it turns out, it's a lot of work to return the purchases and they were shipping them within 2 hours of receiving the order. Not only that, if you kept them, believing that you'd get the rebate or refund, you'd only find out after several months that you still had to pay more than the going market for the drive and the 30 day refundable clause would expire.
I suspect this was all more than a little mistake. They'd probably turn around and offer you some cheap piece of garbage that they had sitting around in the warehouse if you squaked too loud about the whole thing.
What really turned my crank was the 3 separate promises, that the Information Center gave me, that Head Office in Vancouver would call me that very same day.
Bottom line: they stand behind their policy of "we reserve the right to refuse.. in the case of an error..." la dee da dee da
What charlatans!!!! and Poodlefakers
In my area, the only reason you'd ever think of going to Futureshop is they have a lot of stuff in 1 place, never for the value or technical expertise.
Future Shop? Mite Be!!