Fx-4100 7870 vs 7850


Feb 8, 2012
First off I will not OC i just want to know which one will be better with a stock fx.1920x1080p with HDMI cable. Will There Be Any Noticeable Bottleneck. Metro 2033, Battlefield 3, Saint Row The Third, CSGO Mostly Games Like That.Please also recommend me a card of which you think is better and a psu if you can
Don't get that XFX 7870 as they have coil whine problems. Also there is no need to get anything over a 500W PSU.
PSU- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139027&Tpk=cx500
7870- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161404
7950- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202006

If you're on a strict budget of $320 go for the 7870 and I'm sure you won't be disappointed but if you do find yourself with a bit more the 7950 should be given a consideration.
Not entirely true. AMD CPU's can't utilize the full performance of GPU's but a 7870 would give an increase in performance versus a 7850 where if it was a true bottleneck it wouldn't show a gain. In this article to help show the difference they used a 7970.
Game beenchmarks
In some games even the i3 represents a limiting factor but still not a bottleneck.

the 7950 looks really good but will there be alot of bottleneck. if there is gonna be alot of bottleneck would it not be better to get the 7870

there is a chance of small bottleneck, but i its worth getting a 7950. i currently run a gtx 670 on a i7 920 a 4 yrs old cpu and it works great, so i think you'll be fine.