FX 4130 and R9 270x Crossfire bottleneck! Help!


Nov 30, 2015
Will my AMD FX4130 bottleneck Dual Asus R9 270X? Or should i upgrade to the 8320? I cant afford Intel or else would go that route. I already own the 2 GPUs
You may be better off selling one of the 270X cards and moving to an Intel i5 system. A 270X is a decent card on it's own, although you won't be playing on high settings at 1440 or higher on it, and I think the benefits of the i5 and a single 270X is better than the AMD CPU and dual 270X cards.

Or spend the money on the i5, run some games on the system with a single 270X. Then with dual ones. See if the dual cards are worth it. If yes, bit the bullet and spend an extra few $ on a system you'll be happy with. If not worth it to you to run dual cards after you play with them for a bit, sell it and that should pay for the difference in CPU / Mobo cost. A used 270X should be able to fetch $60+ pretty easily.

If you're gong to get another motherboard, you should go the intel route, it will be worth the extra money.

I have only ever used AMD. It would cost about $305 on amazon for a Z97 mobo and an i5 4690k. Is the performance really that much better? The FX8320 and the MSI 970A SLI KRAIT EDITION mobo is $189 on amazon. I could save the $120 and get a better PSU.
You dont need a 4690k and a z97 motherboard, if you plan to do crossfire with those 270x's (which i dont recommend) this will suffice:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4590 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor ($179.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: ASRock H97M PRO4 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($60.35 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $240.34
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-11-30 21:36 EST-0500

There is even the 4460 that is $20 cheaper right now. Also post what motherboard do you have right now, maybe you can slap a 8320 in there.
You may be better off selling one of the 270X cards and moving to an Intel i5 system. A 270X is a decent card on it's own, although you won't be playing on high settings at 1440 or higher on it, and I think the benefits of the i5 and a single 270X is better than the AMD CPU and dual 270X cards.

Or spend the money on the i5, run some games on the system with a single 270X. Then with dual ones. See if the dual cards are worth it. If yes, bit the bullet and spend an extra few $ on a system you'll be happy with. If not worth it to you to run dual cards after you play with them for a bit, sell it and that should pay for the difference in CPU / Mobo cost. A used 270X should be able to fetch $60+ pretty easily.