
Feb 28, 2006
i just installed the new processor today and im in the process of running prime95 to test stability. i used to not even be able to browse the net while running prime now its running in the background and its like its not even there. i would definitely recommend it to anyone whos looking to upgrade.
i just installed the new processor today and im in the process of running prime95 to test stability. i used to not even be able to browse the net while running prime now its running in the background and its like its not even there. i would definitely recommend it to anyone whos looking to upgrade.

i would also recomend the core 2 duo's ;) there generally cheaper, faster and colder

*ducks flame*


Jul 18, 2006
i would also recomend the core 2 duo's there generally cheaper, faster and colder
Uh, no. Not if you're upgrading an existing 939 system.
Cheaper? No, because c2d means buy not only a $200+ CPU, but also a new mobo and ram which for anything decent will easily total well over the $450 for a fx-60.
Fast? Maybe, but only if you spend nearly as much for the CPU alone, nevermind the mobo and ram.
colder? only if your c2d is running in the 20's (which I doubt from all the "my 6X00 runs hot" threads). My FX60 usually stays around the mid 30s with stock cooling.

As hard as it my be to believe there still are plenty of reasons for people to by AMD. Despite what you've been told "Buy c2d" isn't the answer to everything.
As a dual core CPU, you need to be running two copies of Prime95. Its that responsive because your only stressing one core. To make it behave more like your 3500+, run two copies. (and assign one copy to each core.)
i would also recomend the core 2 duo's there generally cheaper, faster and colder
Uh, no. Not if you're upgrading an existing 939 system.
Cheaper? No, because c2d means buy not only a $200+ CPU, but also a new mobo and ram which for anything decent will easily total well over the $450 for a fx-60.
Fast? Maybe, but only if you spend nearly as much for the CPU alone, nevermind the mobo and ram.
colder? only if your c2d is running in the 20's (which I doubt from all the "my 6X00 runs hot" threads). My FX60 usually stays around the mid 30s with stock cooling.

As hard as it my be to believe there still are plenty of reasons for people to by AMD. Despite what you've been told "Buy c2d" isn't the answer to everything.

temps all depend on where there read from ;) amd typically seems to run cold, its the noobs that dont know how to mount the cooling properly.

A cheap E6300 system can clock up a storm and wipe out any AMD :D

And with C2D mobo's quad core is waiting for you so think of it as an invesement ;)


May 27, 2006
i would also recomend the core 2 duo's there generally cheaper, faster and colder
Uh, no. Not if you're upgrading an existing 939 system.
Cheaper? No, because c2d means buy not only a $200+ CPU, but also a new mobo and ram which for anything decent will easily total well over the $450 for a fx-60.
Fast? Maybe, but only if you spend nearly as much for the CPU alone, nevermind the mobo and ram.
colder? only if your c2d is running in the 20's (which I doubt from all the "my 6X00 runs hot" threads). My FX60 usually stays around the mid 30s with stock cooling.

As hard as it my be to believe there still are plenty of reasons for people to by AMD. Despite what you've been told "Buy c2d" isn't the answer to everything.

temps all depend on where there read from ;) amd typically seems to run cold, its the noobs that dont know how to mount the cooling properly.

A cheap E6300 system can clock up a storm and wipe out any AMD :D

And with C2D mobo's quad core is waiting for you so think of it as an invesement ;)

A cheap E6300 system can clock up a storm and wipe out any AMD
So true :lol:


Jul 18, 2006
Whether single-core or massively SMP, a system will remain responsive if there are not enough Prime95 threads to fill all the cores or if at least one of the threads is running at lower than normal priority.

There is a program called Orthos which automatically sets up 2 Prime95 threads and configures them to test CPU, RAM, or both. It has a setting that adjusts process priority so you can do other things while you're stress-testing your system.


Nov 1, 2006
Like a few people said, you went from single core to dual, of course you can do other stuff. I am sure you are only running one instance of prime. But besides all that FX60 is a very nice chip congrats.


Mar 16, 2006
It is a nice chip, but too much expencive. I will not recomend it to anyone because it is being owned in 99% of applications known to mankind by a cheaper, cooler, much more enrgy efficient and much more overclockable CPU like Core 2 Duo E6600.
For the price of FX-60 you can buy an E6600 and a decend mainboard with Intel 965P chipset.


Dec 5, 2006
It is a nice chip, but too much expencive. I will not recomend it to anyone because it is being owned in 99% of applications known to mankind by a cheaper, cooler, much more enrgy efficient and much more overclockable CPU like Core 2 Duo E6600.
For the price of FX-60 you can buy an E6600 and a decend mainboard with Intel 965P chipset.

Is changing the title of the thread to


Too harsh? :)


Mar 16, 2006
It's P965. Besides, the FX-60 is a very powerful CPU, and maybe he got a good deal on it. No need to rain on his parade now.
My point was not to piss on his FX-60. His deal is done, and no words can change it. My point was to inform the IT unkowledgable visitors of this forum that there are better CPUs for less money.


Aug 8, 2006
if your building a new system, then yes -c2d- is the way to go right now. I love my E6400, I can't believe how much better it is than my p4.

But if you already have all else, then changing the cpu is the logical thing to do. Just because c2d are better, doesn't mean that fx-60 sucks.

OP you have a very good cpu right there! Is da bomb!!!


Jun 25, 2006
Can't some one write about there good experience with out a fan boy making some comment about buying another brand CPU? He's happy, for all other enthusiasts that should be good enough. Well done enjoy your upgrade.


Dec 31, 2007
I dont think so martyjs. Fan boys like to annoy people. If you got a good deal on the fx 60 that cool. But little room for upgrades. That a little downside. But I am glad your happy.


Jul 9, 2006
i just installed the new processor today and im in the process of running prime95 to test stability. i used to not even be able to browse the net while running prime now its running in the background and its like its not even there. i would definitely recommend it to anyone whos looking to upgrade.

Silly you. Don't you know you can't post anything on Tom's about a positive AMD experience without getting multiple responses telling you how stupid you are for not buying a C2D system?

Never mind that you want to upgrade an existing skt 939 system and already have MoBo and memory. Or even worse, you have actually had good experience with AMD and want the least painful and least costly upgrade.

Most of the knot heads offering glowing C2D advice never think about the cost, since they're spending Mommy and Daddy's money anyway.

One final point, as recently as this time last year, all the buzz was about AMD processors and nobody in their right mind was buying Intel for anything other than basic business apps.

I say, more power to you for a wise choice and enjoy your new upgrade. Forget about the lame advice of the kiddo "experts". :roll:


Jul 18, 2006
It is a nice chip, but too much expencive. I will not recomend it to anyone because it is being owned in 99% of applications known to mankind by a cheaper, cooler, much more enrgy efficient and much more overclockable CPU like Core 2 Duo E6600.
For the price of FX-60 you can buy an E6600 and a decend mainboard with Intel 965P chipset.
Ya a 6600 and motherboard will probably cost only a little more then a FX60. But if you say have 2gigs of decent RAM replacing that will add another $300 to the cost of the upgrade. Also there's are the hastle of basically rebuilding your entire system as opposed to just popping in a new chip. The OP, like myself, went from a single core to what was less then a year ago the absolute premier CPU on the market. What has come out or is coming out(Vista included) that makes it worth it to rebuild an entire system just to get slightly better benchmarks for that much more $$$. To the person who says "we just trying to point out theres faster CPUs for less", you don't think thats been made clear enough on this site alone? Why are you so afraid to admit that in many cases AMD is a practical alternative to Intel? To build an inferior c2d system for more money then the AMD upgrade in hopes of further possible upgrades means relying on Intel not to completely change the platform. Consider that $300 for DDR2 basically a bet on whether Intel will stick with the current platform long enough for you to get your money's worth out of it. To the OP, you definatly made the right decision and remember that you now have a system that 6 months ago all the Intel fanboys would have creamed themselves if only it said Intel instead of AMD.
It's P965. Besides, the FX-60 is a very powerful CPU, and maybe he got a good deal on it. No need to rain on his parade now.
My point was not to piss on his FX-60. His deal is done, and no words can change it. My point was to inform the IT unkowledgable visitors of this forum that there are better CPUs for less money.

Then start a you a new thread entitled "My Core Duo Rocks" and stop walking all over someone else's great upgrade.
He is obvioulsy quite happy and excited about his new FX60, and your point was EXACTLY nothing more than to "rain on his parade" and "piss on his FX-60".
Cheaper than his upgrade?
You just removed creditability from your point of view.


Jan 4, 2006
It is a nice chip, but too much expencive. I will not recomend it to anyone because it is being owned in 99% of applications known to mankind by a cheaper, cooler, much more enrgy efficient and much more overclockable CPU like Core 2 Duo E6600.
For the price of FX-60 you can buy an E6600 and a decend mainboard with Intel 965P chipset.
But he may already have 2GB of good DDR and replacing that with high speed DDR2 would be at least another $200. I personally think he should have gone with an X2 4200+ instead as the difference isn't worth the price with the FX60.


Aug 30, 2006
Wtg with the FX-60. I'm crying buckets of tears watching the CPU prices now as opposed to last march when I built. I paid $346 for a 4000+ in February that I recently saw offered for $95. Thank goodness my wife doesnt know.

BTW I'm glad you didn't mention that the sky was blue or the Intel fanboys would have told you it was more blue with C2D. :roll: