Darkresurrection :
Enough of this!! fx 6300 is a decent CPU, and it WON'T bottleneck your GPU, You can easily overclock your CPU to 4.0 or 4.2ghz, and you will be fine, however for upcoming games, and some games like crysis3 you are going to need a better hyper-threading CPU if you have not bought the CPU yet, you will be fine for a while, and then you can simply upgrade, some of you guys truly abuse the word bottleneck, it is a shame... in accordance with your definitions in bf4 i7-4770k is a bottleneck because fx 6300 performs better than that
enough of this grab the beast and enjoy
''Two things are infinite, the Universe and Humans' stupidity''
That's not an abuse of the word "bottlenecking" at all. If you're going to criticize someone's use of the word bottlenecking, perhaps you should also define what you think a bottleneck supposedly means? Besides that, the benchmarks you just posted the links for largely contradict what you're claiming (i.e. that the FX-6300 won't be a bottleneck).
At 2560x1440, neither the GTX 770, the 7970 GHz, the GTX 660, nor the Radeon HD 7870 are up to par. Because of that, all four of those become the bottleneck in the system before the FX-6300 can, since at a resolution as high as that the GPU is put under the most strain. So of course in such an instance, the differences between an FX-6300 and an i7-4770k are largely minimized. However, look at the benchmarks for 1920x1080 which you yourself just posted. In most of the cases, for the GTX 770 and the Radeon HD 7970 the i7-4770k is the winner. One instance of an outlier is hardly the basis for a conclusion when the rest of the results clearly show that the i7-4770k (and the i5-4670k) are better CPUs (which should be obvious). For the GTX 660 and the Radeon HD 7870 at 1920x1080, both of those likely become the bottleneck in the system as well before the CPU can.
The other thing which I'm trying desperately to point out is that noticeable bottlenecking (i.e. seeing your frame rate drop below a certain threshold when the GPU should be capable of maintaining that threshold) is
game dependent. Like I said, on games like Battlefield 3, anything on the Source engine, Alan Wake, etc, games which are GPU dependent or are coded very well, there won't be noticeable bottlenecking because the frame rate maintains that 60 fps threshold. However, pointing out that an FX-6300 won't bottleneck in "such-and-such game" doesn't mean it won't be a noticeable bottleneck in other games. I can guarantee you that the CPU is the bottleneck in poorly coded games, or particularly CPU bound games like Arkham City, Crysis 1, Borderlands 2, and Skyrim.