To give some idea of what the problem might be with the FX 6300 cpu you have fitted to the motherboard.
Please list the brand, and motherboard model you are using.
The cpu cooler you are using that us attached to the FX 6300 cpu.
What the Idle temperatures of the FX 6300 cpu are when sat in the bios options menu, or when the system is in a most Idle state such as sat displaying the windows desktop with no other programs, or games on the system running.
Describe how the cpu cooler is attached to the cpu, via four screws or by using the stock Amd cooling clips and tension arm found on stock Amd cpu`s provided with most retail bought boxed cpu packages.
Also check that the fan on the cpu cooler is running, and post it`s current Rpm speeds.
And please state at what frequency the cpu is currently running at.
And what the core voltage of the cpu is set to.