FX 9590 cooled with an EVO 212

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Mar 25, 2016
I have seen lots of posts about this processor and it seems to me that it is all over the place or just flat out wrong.

Currently, I am running an FX 9590 air cooled with an EVO 212 (single fan). I did use the best paste money can buy Tuniq TX-4 and applied it using the pea method. It is currently running with Turbo off, at 4.7Ghz, and with a voltage of 1.46. The max temperature I have seen it get is 51 Celsius. I do have a case with lots and lots of air flow Cooler Master HAF 922, space to allow air to flow freely, and a way to cleanly manage cabling.

I do plan on getting a Kracken x61 down the road. Anyone else running this processor?
If it's staying at reasonable temperatures during your typical use, that's fantastic. However, it's still unfortunately outperformed in games by a processor that was $220 (FX 9590's current retail price) 4 years ago, which draws a quarter the power and can be cooled by this HSF, silently:

If it's staying at reasonable temperatures during your typical use, that's fantastic. However, it's still unfortunately outperformed in games by a processor that was $220 (FX 9590's current retail price) 4 years ago, which draws a quarter the power and can be cooled by this HSF, silently:


I think that if you would put your processor under stress testing you would find that your current cooling is not adequate for your processor. I have a 125W FX 8370 and when it was clocked at 4.7Ghz @ 1.33V I could barely keep it cool enough with a Hyper 212 EVO with 2 Delta 3400rpm fans in a push pull configuration. I upgraded to the NH-D15S with my 2 Delta fans for 3 fan push pull configuration and have no heat issues at all overclocked to 5.05Ghz+.

If you do upgrade to the Kracken x61 you should have no other cooling problems. You should even be able to overclock to 5Ghz without issue. I would recommend looking at some of the better air cooling solutions as well though as some of them are able to cool just as effectively as a closed loop water cooler for much less investment. The NH-D15 will cool just as good as a H100i GTX and come in well under the cost of the H100i GTX.

I paid $179.99 which is on par with the pricing of their other processors. That processor first released in 2012 I think. What other CPU's cost $220 in 2012?

Why would I spend $90 on air cooling? Under full load the highest temp I get is 51 Celsius.

You're probably using inaccurate software. Use AMD Overdrive for temps, and run a stress test for the CPU. What you think is stressful may not actually be real stress.
i5 3570k was $220 in 2012. You could usually get ~4.3ghz with the stock cooler, and ~4.4-4.5 with an inexpensive aftermarket cooler. I delidded mine and had it under a custom water loop, and found I could get as much as 4.8ghz, but I didn't like the voltage I needed.

Ivy Bridge i5 is in the range of 50-60% faster per clock, and a vast majority of games heavily utilize 4 threads or less, so even a ~4.2ghz i5 (using the stock cooler) would be in the range of 30-40% faster in games than a 5ghz FX.

Even in multithreaded scenarios, the FX is often matched by a several-generations-old stock i5:



All the while, it needs this much power to do so:


It doesn't perform badly, really, but considering its drawbacks, it's a tough sell.

-My entire i5 system draws only 81w at the wall when running Prime95 at stock speeds. With a 4.2ghz overclock, the entire system still only draws 110w, compared to 250w+ for the FX.

-I run my i5 on a $25 400w FSP Platinum-rated power supply, which you could not do with the FX, so you have added cost there.

-I now use the Intel stock cooler, because I found I didn't even need an aftermarket cooler to keep my chip cool and quiet under AVX stress testing, much less typical use, even when overclocked.

-I don't need an expensive motherboard. Any Intel motherboard will handle the i5 fine, and quality Z77 motherboard were available for ~$100 from day one.

-I don't need extra case fans or a huge, obnoxious case - my system is actually in a tiny ITX case that sits on the windowsill behind my desk, and has a single 120mm fan in it.

Nevermind that you can get a Skylake i5 now for ~$190, which is almost 25% faster than my 4 year old CPU, and draws even less power.

What exactly are you trying to convince me of here? You went Intel because it's easy.
This thread is for people that were thinking about buying the FX 9590 or want to get it but only have air cooling currently. Thanks for being the craziest people I have ever met over like 5 fps difference in games.....

My gaming experience isn't suffering. I am going to go build 2 more FX 9590 machines, because I know it will torment all of you.


It won't torment me, but it can torment some people. Le'ts think of the situation. Power-hungry CPU = more CO2 emissions into the air way back at the power factory. You have a person who collects bugs for a living. Just as he is about to find a new species of bug, the final thing he needs to complete his hypothesis, the bug inhales too much CO2 and dies. The bug collector is fired from his job. His wife divorces him. As she is crying in her car on the way to filing the divorce papers, she gets in a car accident with the city counsel commissioner. He is injured, so the city goes downhill. The president comes over to help, but the country then goes out of control. From there we meet the Great Depression 2.0, thanks to your 9590.

Hehe, just poking fun 😉

Seeing as we've asked you to use AMD overdrive for temps and run a stress test like Prime95, but you have not replied, I take your 61C as shadows and dust.

Hmmm.... That was on AMD Overdrive.

You did not specify that previously. We cannot just magically know you were using AMD overdrive, as you did not tell us. Am I to know the how a wizard performs his magic if he does not say?

Also, what about a stress test? What applications have you been using to put the CPU under stress?

Who is us? Are you alright?

Well.... for starters it is the only application that has that field. All of the others don't display the temperature that way. I figured you would know.

You did not answer my question. What software are you using to stress your system?

I said that I used OCCT

300w? Go to sleep, you have school tomorrow.
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