Hey Guys! I was planning on getting the 8350 FX Series for Streaming. I mean thats 50 dollars more then the 6300. would the 6300FX Do me over for now with streaming farming simulator and Battlefield 4? for now?
Okay, well the 6300 is around my price range! Do you think that will hold me over with streaming? I can in the feature always upgrade to that Version! do you think the 6300 would hold me over with streaming and such?
ShadyHamster said :
(The 6300 might hold you back a bit, it would depend on what res and settings you plan on playing/streaming at.
The 8350 would be a better choice for streaming but that would require a better motherboard.)
I agree with him here your board will not handle a FX 8350. Trust me I understand being on a tight budget. If some how you could scrap up around $300 I'd go with a good 970 board and the FX 8350. But all is not lost you could go with a FX-8320E which has the same TDP as the 6300 so the VRM would be fine if your on that tight of a budget.