Question G.Skill 3600 CL16 memory performing below expectations


Aug 6, 2013
Hey guys,

I recently switched to AMD from my i7 4790K, I did a lot of research and bought the following:
- Gigabyte X570 Aorus Master
- AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
- G.Skill Ripjaws V 3600MHz Cl16 (F4-3600C16D-16GVK)

I set XMP to Profile 1 and all looks well and the PC worked without any issue for about 2 weeks now. In CPU-Z my memory shows up just as it should


Now when I run a UserBenchmark, it says my memory is performing way below expectations, and it recommends that I turn on XMP. The only thing that was off (as I thought) was the high latency (61ns) on their tests, and when I saw that PassMark says 31, I thought it's ok. The speed seems to be the same in both tests. But today, I saw that on a 3000MHz Cl15 kit the speed is better than on mine, so clearly something is not right. From what I see, I should be getting somewhere closer to 40 read.


What do you guys think it's at fault here? What should I try? Thanks!
I have the same motherboard with Corsair Vengeance 3600 ram. I was toying around with it this morning and discovered my benchmarks were way below what I'd expected. I was dicking around with things tonight and discovered my scores went way up by cranking the speed down a little bit from a 36x multiplier down to 32.66.



Are you sure that you had it at 3600 in the first run? It says there it's at 2133. I would test again with 3600.

I tested mine with AIDA and it shows the following.

Also tested with Ryzen DRAM Calculator and it gives the same results as PassMark. How can I be sure my memory is all ok?
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Which slots do you have your ram in? I realized this morning I had mine in 1 and 3, and Gigabyte recommends 2 and 4. I moved them and I'm getting much better results, although latency is still an issue.

Ok, so that explains why you have double the write speed. I will try to manually set up the ram, maybe it helps as now I feel really uncertain. AIDA seems ok but all other benchmarks show slower speeds, even the DRAM Calculator.