Ga-970a-d3p r9 295x2 or crossfire r9 290x

brendan Miron

Jan 20, 2015
First of all will this motherboard support the bridge less crossfire on the r9 295x2 and the r9 290x's since the board says its crossfire ready has 1 pcie gen 2 at 16x and 1 pcie gen 2 at 4x does this board support the bridgeless crossfire or no?
Yes, the 990FX UD3 will be fine. Just make sure to put the cards in the x16 slots and not the x4 ones :) Good Luck with the build.
i would put bridges on regardless. you most likely will be running in x8/x8 mode which is ok. regardless youll need a good cpu anyways to see any real benefit of this much power which unfortunately on amd even overclocked very high in some games it wil be a bottleneck.

what cpu do you have now?

and what resolution? a single 290x is enough for 1080p in most games
I am playing with a FX 8320 clocked at 4.4ghz and yes at 1080p on a single monitor lol, but the r9 290x doesn't even have bridges to put a bridge on, so I am just wondering if the board can handle the bridgeless or not, thanks for the help!!!!
The second PCIe slot is 4x, forget CrossFire-ing with that board. Had simillar board from GIGABYTE with x16/x4 CrossFire and the experience was horrible. I switched to x16/x16 and x8/x8 boards and run no problem. You need at least x8/x8 for good CF/SLI config. The problem you are going to have with x16/x4 are endles (Less FPS than single GPU, stuttering, etc.)
Go for the 295x2 or get a better board with at least x8/x8 Crossfire Support if you want to CrossFire the 290Xs